sounds like the center either put out a heavier shot, or a longer shot than they had out before. Having a ball that formerly would hook a significant amount and finished hard "suddenly" become a straighter, weaker finishing ball is usually a sign that the shot has changed.
This is one of the major reasons so many people feel the need for so many different balls. NO two houses have the same exact shot, at least not on purpose, so we have different balls capable of handling different levels of oil.
Give it a few days. The heavier shot may have been a mistake, or a fouled up oiling machine, and things could return to "normal" in a day or two ( or three

). If not, you can alter the surface of your current ball to help it handle a little heavier volume of oil if you have to.
The core in the avalanche solid isn't too strong, but it has a good coverstock ( PK18 ) and takes cover changes pretty good.
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