It's the roid era of bowling. Numbers are inflated. 900 is no longer the unthinkable score like 61 homeruns and 755 homeruns were.
Number records are a huge part in very few sports. Baseball and bowling are very similar in that matter. That is the point many are trying to make.
You can say that bowlers are smarter, more educated, better athletically ect ect ect The fact is it isn't the bowler, it is the equipment. Baseball players today are far better in shape then from years past, but besides the roid era 61 is back to looking like an impossible number it once was. Athletes have changed in every part of the game.
Bowling in some aspects has changed. The equipment is far superior to the lane conditions they are used on. There are more challenging conditions out there, but it isn't nearly as wide spread and a big reason the scores are as high as they are.
If you think it isn't the equipment that makes the scores possible, take one ball with you next time you bowl. Think old, rubber maybe plastic. Then let us know how that compares with your newer equipment and the difference in scores.
The argument most have is that 900 should not be as easily obtained as it appears to have become.
Be good, or be good at it.