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Author Topic: ? about Thumb Pitches  (Read 904 times)


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? about Thumb Pitches
« on: October 17, 2003, 10:58:19 PM »
I origionally posted this topic in the "Drillings and Layouts" forum a few hours ago. Of course the traffis there isn't as high as this forum, so I figured I would try it here as I have been having thoughts of changing to a different pitch in my spare ball only. Thanks

 Is it possible to need different thumb pitches in your spare ball than in your regular equipment? I am usually very consistent with my spare game.....generally make about 90-95% of my 10 pins. I have noticed that when I do miss them and occaisionally when I do make them, I will "lose the ball" in my downswing.
For my strike ball, I use basically a cupped release and stay underneath the ball till the actual release. For my spares, I use my White Dot with a flatter hand and just roll right up the back of it. I play with a bunch of different hand positions on strike balls and never have this problem. However, on my W/D even though I have the thumb taped up and it's snug, sometimes it will slide off my thumb about 1/2" in the downswing.
I am confident that the pitches and spans are the same in all of my equipment right now. My driller, while I have some concerns very, very good with the fit. I guess I have a couple of questions:

Do some people need different thumb pitches in their spare balls?

If so, has anyone here tried it and what were the results?



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Re: ? about Thumb Pitches
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2003, 02:53:33 PM »
Different thumb pitches in spare ball, disastrous!!

I've done it just due to laziness!  It has cost me a lot in average.

It affects your timing of release of spare ball and then now that one has adjusted to spare ball it now affects the next strike ball.

With one pitch in strike ball and a different in spare I had many a 6 bagger to start with and have left a 7 pin then missed it and then not thrown a strike after that.

Pitches are timing and it must be the same between all balls.

Don't do it!

You're problem is I'm sure that you are near max reverse you should have for your span.  Large cupping of wrist keeps ball on handd easier.   A simple 1/16 to 1/8 forward pitch  on thumb adjustment on all your balls with a light touch of front bevel will allow you to use both wrist positions.


PS I just went to same pitches on spare ball last week and it was like a jekyl and hyde change.  My sparing was not great but my striking after firing at a plastic ball spare continued at my previous carry percentage!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana