Well i put a lot of revs in.. But when i play a down and in shot.. I like either my Zone Classic or Power Groove(Green/Purple Pearl)..
Now don't get all bent outta shape.. I know the Classic is a pretty strong ball, BUT as it tracked out it got a lot smoother, so i sanded it down to about 1500 and it's all smooth operator now.. Can still swing it, but it has a much smoother arcing motion to it now.. I would recommend this for a med-oiled down/in-shot..
The same goes for my Power Groove.. I took it down to 400, hit it hard with some Storm Step 2.. Then took a grey Scotch Brite to it by hand.. Just took a bit of the shine.. Smoothie.. This works great for me on real dry because the Groove can be quite jumpy when polished, but it still gets good length and hit..
In the "old days", note i'm only 26, i've liked for a down and in-shot:
AMF - Whiplash, Nighthawk
Brunwick - Rhino Pro T2, Riot Zone
C300 - SuperCuda/C Pearl, Ricochet
Ebonite - Turbo X, Omega Acryllium, TPC Shooter XL
Morich - Labyrinth
I too believe that todays regular conditioning has been the reason for you seeing balls being snappy on dry..
It could/should possible to get that smooth look downlane with the right surface prep and drill..
Tough times don't last, tough people do...