General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: blouisk on May 28, 2007, 03:12:13 PM
i have been bowling for one and a have years...
i am a power stroker with medium speed,medium rev and about low axis tilt
however some lanes are often turn out to be a bit dry thats makes my ball unpredictable and not solid enough when it hits the pocket...
i have a 1000 grit abralon double agent for long pattern....especially when the lanes are just is really comfortable....after a few games i would actually change to my 1000 grit abralon bully still hit real strong
but at at the end of the day,especially the lanes are real dry...i dun have a ball for it...all i left is a scout which is too light for it....which i consider i am lack of a medium-light ball....
therefore i thinks a need a polished ball , pearl reactive maybe?,easy revving-high flaring?!,medium rg and most probably equipped with a skid flip snap reaction....
i thought of roto grips horizon, colombias wrath or tracks equation?
or maybe something else?
can u all give me some opinion?
sorry for the broken english....i am only 15 and.... i am from asia....
Hammer Raw Doom.
Hole Pounder Pearl if you have enough hand. I have a Ravage IV and a Hercules from MoRich that are perfect for the named condition. If you feel you don't have alot of hand Awesome Flip or Finish from MoRich would be good choices.
You mentioned that your current equipment gets unpredictable when the lanes dry out. To your idea of getting something skid/snap for this broken down condition, I say that you should reconsider.
I would think that you would prefer an even-rolling piece for broken down or medium conditions; something controllable and predictable. There are tons of balls that will cover this condition if drilled properly, but a couple that come to mind are the Lane #1 Tsunami H20 and the Legends World Class Reactive. Both can be drilled to roll evenly and need some dry to be effective, and they won't over-react.
They are also nice choices based on my experience because the covers are strong enough to combat carry-down. They are both polished and get nice length, even when the oil begins to break down.
-formerly known as SawFreak
I like the HPP as well. A friend of mine has one and it's a nice ball. It's at the top of my list for the end of the summer.
After that, the Horizon pearl and the Equation would both work well. The Equation is going on the discontinued list, so if you're able to find one, you might get a good deal on it.
its kinda hard for me to get morich ,lane 1 or lanemasters here..
maybe u all can recommend some from colombia,storm,brunswick,track,hammer,amf,dyno and roto-grip
please help.....i really need the info ASAP...
its kinda hard for me to get morich ,lane 1 or lanemasters here..
maybe u all can recommend some from colombia,storm,brunswick,track,hammer,amf,dyno and roto-grip
Columbia Wrath
Roto-Grip Horizon pearl
Brunswick Rampage
Track Equation
Hammer Doom or Pain
AMF Radar or Radar Lock
DynoThane NE10
Storm T-Road Pearl
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
Edited on 5/30/2007 1:09 AM
Why buy another ball?
Why not just adjust and move?
It's a lot cheaper and could serve you for a much longer time than another ball! (and you could spend the money saved on some coaching to help you learn to do this).
I've upped my average, so up yours!
Edited on 5/30/2007 2:23 AM
Edited on 5/30/2007 2:24 AM
pearl ogre
or polish a solid ogre and u got a perfect light-med oil ball
jock,its true....good bowlers never too count on balls..
i am really working on it..the current problem is tat the house i am currently training at is a real flooded and long pattern..maybe that makes me not sensitive when the lanes break down and have a consistent line when they are dry...
back to topic, i have a few thought on the brunswick rampage....
if i have it, i will drill its pin 3 3/8" to pap ,cg 2" to pap and high polish the ball...will it suit the lane condition mention?or something else?
or a brunswick s red zone?
or a black widow pearl?