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Author Topic: A ballreviews apology (please read)  (Read 6292 times)


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A ballreviews apology (please read)
« on: July 15, 2009, 07:33:15 AM »
Hello, my

My name is Kevin Manginelli and i know not many people like me on here, and i know i have mest up in the past so i want to apologize to everyone out there and i want to re earn my respect out their like everyone else on the site. I am older know and realized what i did was wrong and i want to apologize for that. I realized that it is not the right way to do business wit the many nice people on this site and i know that now.A lot of people do not like me because of that but i want to start over now and start fresh and i think everyone deserves another chance right? So i hope everyone understands and will give me another chance on here to prove myself worthly. Please consider this and i hope everyone will take my apology. Thank you for reading and i hope you all understand and i hope you all can take my apology.

Thanks very much,

Kevin Manginelli
Have a nice day

Edited on 7/15/2009 3:42 PM


Joe Jr

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Re: A ballreviews apology (please read)
« Reply #31 on: July 16, 2009, 04:38:50 PM »
I have no idea who you are, and, yes I believe in second chances.

It's a shame that all people want to see here is a spelling error, instead of the apology.

If something comes up I have no problem helping out, PM me and lets see what comes up
Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff

If I remember correctly, he's already had a second chance and maybe a third...
My Vid
Just another hack with too much equipment.