few things
1-its not hard to get side rotation on a ball and keep your elbow in, actually its pretty natural.
2-contrary to what people on this board say its not THAT easy to switch hands.
3-It sounds to me like your game as a right hander is way too mechanical. Too many things must go right in order for the shot to be a success. Before you change your entire game, in essense learning how to bowl all over again, you should attempt to fix what you have now. It will not be easy to switch hands and over a long haul or tournaments you simply will not hold up, and the simple matter is you most likely do not have as much control of your left arm as you do your right.
4-My suggestion. Before you go changing things. Stop worrying about doing this right or that right. Go practice, instead of working on doing this or correcting this or having this happen. Work on this, simplify your game
in Stance, arm to the side of you, small controlled, repeatable pushaway, free loose armswing, open up your hips to push the ball out, get into a knee bend, long and low at the release, and accerate thru. Work on each step progressively, get to each point after mastering one. First start in your stance, do pushaway drills, repeat doing pushaways only, maybe 30-40 times. After this feels natural, go to the next step. All this you don't need to use a ball or even be on a lane to do. This is called muscle memory, it is used by pitchers at the collegiate and proffessional level (trust me i know, i lived them for 2 yrs in college) and they work wonders. Your muscles will learn these movements and repeat them.
This game isn't that hard, it sounds to me like your trying to do too many things or worry about too many things. Your always nitpicking the tiniest detail like sticking, or seeing something in your line of sight. Pick a target, hit it with a compact, simple, basic approach and delivery. You don't need to turn it up, or worry about how much side rotation you are getting or how much ballspeed, worry about it being natural. Like many say on here, perfect your A game before going to B and C.
I went thru the same thing you did. I used to have a huge pushaway, a long sweeping backswing, and just rip the cover off the ball at the bottom of the swing, i had a whole bunch of stutter steps, stops, drifts, etc. and it was just impossible to repeat shots. I was getting ready to quit competitive bowling until i decided to just simplify what i had. Make this game easier, less to worry about, less to go wrong. My average has went up, but more importantly my consistancy is up. I used to be a 279, 155 type bowler. Now almost every game is 180+ i dont have many terrible games, and unless i lose carry or something happens i am within 10 pins of my 220 average. Now i have lost some of the rotation i had, i was about 500-530 rpm, i've backed it down to 400-450 which is plenty, my ballspeed is in control, i am in control, and i can repeat shots meaning i will score on many more conditions.
Just try it, it will take alot of work, but you say you wanna be good at this game, one of the best. It doesn't happen over night and switching to another hand will only make it a harder and prolonged journey. Instead of pouting around and saying i'm terrible, get out there, fix it.
am i still considered a lefty, i never get to play the left side of the lane