You're living in an unreal world.
Price a car back when you bought balls for $100. Then find out what that car cost today. Then multiply that ratio by that $100 ball. You'll find it cost about $350 - $400.
You have info about making balls today that lets you know how much it costs to make. Try do to that with any other marketable goods in today's economy. Then eliminate every other middle man like you want to do with bowling balls. You'll find again that you will never be able to purchase those goods. period. For any price, unless you make or manufacture them yourself.
Stop living in a fantasy world.
Open up your own pro shop or distributorship, give any manufacturer $10K or $50K and you can have all the balls you want for $40 each. Yeah, fat chance!!
I think you CAN'T!!
"None are so blind as those who will not see."