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Author Topic: A Few Questions  (Read 884 times)


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A Few Questions
« on: July 15, 2009, 10:55:15 PM »
I really need help with these questions.

1. How do you create a flat spot in the swing properly?  For me, just trying to change the shape of my swing causes poor leverage and a half finished follow through.

2. How do I clear the thumb quickly on the downswing?  No matter what I do the I can't make thumb leave my the early with the exception of turning my wrist, which we know leads to early ignition and is a big no no.  I've tried literally everything from tape to thumbpitches and it still doesn't work.

3. How do I use a wrist positioner properly? I know they are frowned upon and I have to learn to make do without one, but I can't do that do that right now for a variety of reasons.  Since I know you can't cup and uncup with a positioner on, how do release the ball with one on so that you get a proper release, only with just much less revs?

4. How do you stop from spinning the ball at release? Lately I've been noticing rotating more on the side.  In addition, my track seems to be moving above my thumb, but underneath the fingers. I know it's kinda hard to explain but this is the best I can put it.

Thanks and I'm hoping for some answers once again.



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Re: A Few Questions
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2009, 07:34:51 AM »
you concentrate on rolling the ball not throwing the ball.  That should get your thumb out first.  And you have to NOT squeeze the ball

Stop spinning the ball by keeping your elbow in, and not getting your hand over the top of the ball.  If you see your hand at the end of your follow through you have chicken winged it.  



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Re: A Few Questions
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2009, 07:46:59 AM »
It would be great if you could posta video of yours, for diagnosis...

1: A proper knee bend makes a smooth delivery much easier. You can hardly influence the pendulum in itself, unless you muscle thingts a lot, and it is not necessary at all. But you can influence the ball's path if you "add" a good knee bend movement to the pendulum, getting it in sync with the ball's forwards movement.

2: Let go! It sounds dumb, but it is that easy. Concentrate to let the ball go with the thumb just a moment before it reaches your sliding foot's ankle (see above). This requires a proper ball fit, so that you do not have to grip the ball too tight in order not to drop it in your swing.

3: Honestly, if your release is in itself poor, a wrist support will hardly improve it. It can take some weight from your wrist and tendons, but you still have to keep the hand firm and behind the ball - otherwise you get (just) revs, but they are ineffective.
Keep the hand firm and behind the ball. Do nothing else, avoid the chicken wing, as Atochabsh mentions, and just make sure you get the timing right (see above) and can let the ball "roll" across your fingertips forward, once the thumb is cleared.

4: Keep the hand behind the ball! The spinning can also come from a late timing or a bent upper body, which make both a clean release impossible because you do not have the chance to get the thumb out of its hole in time. Again, a video could help, and any revs you might develop (also through a wrist device) are rather ineffective because this release flaw promotes spin, and not a clean and free roll of the ball.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany