I believe there have been many times in our bowling careers where people have thrown great games or series in times of crisis and/or sickness. Hours before bowling I found out through my mother that my dad was going to go to the emergency room, as he had 2 days of dizziness and an erratic heartbeat. It turns out that the blood pressure medication he's on has really slowed his heart rate down, which may require him to have a pacemaker. He recently turned 70 (10 days ago actually) and he was the sole person responsible for introducing me to bowling when I was 4 years old. I've had the good fortune of bowling with him in my Tuesday league for over 15 years. Wondering if I could throw up a number, I happened to come out of the gates with a 254 game, my highest game of the year as well as my high series for the year in this house, a 628.
Just curious to hear what others have done for special scores in these moments as I hope my dad gets back to cranking out some big scores when he feels better.