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Author Topic: A funny thing happened...  (Read 1548 times)


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A funny thing happened...
« on: January 03, 2004, 06:19:04 AM »
I have to share what I consider one of the more humorous things I see as I travel around the country bowling.  I was at my mother-in-law's house over the holiday break.  She lives around the corner from a dumpy little independent center that I sometimes bowl in if I don't feel like dealing with city traffic to travel to a better center.  So I decide to go over and watch some of the locals during Tuesday night league play.

I walk in and there's about 20 teams going at it.  There are some really good bowlers throwing the ball; there's a PBA member who I saw at a tournament a few weeks before.  There was a woman who has possibly the best armswing and release of any bowler I've ever watched.  It was while watching these two bowlers that I saw him.

The house PDW wanna-be, complete with the sunglasses**, haircut, golf glove, and attitude.  He would throw the ball (nothing like Petey, BTW) and come back with a bit of a strut. He'd lounge in his chair talking with the ladies between shots with a sort of cavalier self-absorbed attitude about him.  It was so ridiculous I swear I nearly laughed out loud in spite of myself.

I got to thinking.  We have a guy who does the sunglasses thing at our center too.  Does every house have a PDW wanna-be?  Does your center have one?  Are YOU one?

C'mon people.  'Fess up here.

**For the PDW wanna-bes who are reading this, the reason he wears sunglasses when you see him on TV is because the studio lights for TV are very bright and create enormous amounts of glare on the lane.  Since bowling under these conditions is not typical during match play, the sunglasses bring the glare down to the dim levels he experienced during the qualifying rounds.  He does not wear the glasses while bowling in qualifying and match play.

If horse racing is the sport of kings, then surely bowling is a very good sport as well.

I will never become another piece inside the paralytic construct I hate.



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Re: A funny thing happened...
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2004, 09:28:05 PM »
We have a guy who wears blinders.  That's right.  Blinders.  He has them attached to his normal glasses frames.  The clown only averages about 170, but he thinks it makes him a better player if he can't see to his right or left.  I asked if I could try them on one night and he let me.  I still don't get how he shoots with these things on his head.
You wanna bet me how much?  Let's play!


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Re: A funny thing happened...
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2004, 09:40:43 PM »
Thursday night there's a complete five man PDW team, they even call know it.

So needless to say one guy really does look like PDW in a sense, but the other four stroll around thinking they are.

Take all five of them off the Super Great Wall Of China and they can't do squat.
"How far must one go, before he throw his whole entire life right out the window"?

Pin_Krusher IS a serious threat to modern day bowling wood as we know it today.
<b>The original Pin Krusher</b>


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Re: A funny thing happened...
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2004, 10:09:20 AM »
Hilarious!!!  Did he do the crotch chop?
You will not see me on the PBA Tour, but I love the game!!!
You will not see me on the PBA Tour, but I love the game!!!


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Re: A funny thing happened...
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2004, 10:21:19 AM »
blinders? hmmmm....that doesn't sound like a bad idea. I gotta get me a set. lol
You can always hit em hard when you've got the balls

Lefties are the only people in their right minds.
