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Author Topic: A little ball help ?  (Read 2801 times)


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A little ball help ?
« on: November 16, 2004, 09:57:45 PM »
I am wanting something to be a little tamer for me on the extreme wet dry conditions, I was thinking about grabbing the black Angle out of the basement, but I thought they might have a new better carrying ball out there for me?

I was looking at the Super Trooper and the Pure Hammer to start with, I was also thinking of going to Ebay and picking up a black hammer there.  I really want to stay away from Visionary, I am not to fond of the Gargoyle line at all.

Is the Super Trooper a tame enough reactive to be used on the extreme wet dry, or does it still get flippy, the wet dry I bowl on, with the revs I have, make the RG Rush look like something from the silver streak line, so I have to really watch out.   Is the Pure Hammer different enough from the black hammers on ebay to warrant paying the difference?   Is the Pure Hammer even the ball I am looking for?  

I throw around 17.5 to 18 mph at the pindeck with revs to the high end of the rev scale, I track about 1.5 to 2 inches off the fingers and thumb.

Like I said I tried a Rush with a 4 x 3 drill and it looks like it's from the SS line with the flip it has on the condition.  I have to polish everything to help them get through the heads, I don't have the best ball projection in the world, but I am not exactly a dumper.

Is my best bet to just get an old Hammer off Ebay and go with that??




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Re: A little ball help ?
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2004, 07:26:03 AM »
With the way you describe your track, rev speed and ball speed, I strongly suspect that the Super Trooper will flip unmercifully for you, unless you do something very unusual like a pin on axis drilling. (It has a polished SUper-Flex cover which can be very flippy when polished.)

A friend is currently using a Pure Hammer fairly well and it has it gloss polished. I think this type of ball (basically urethane cover with low RG and medium flare) might work for your revs. If you leave it dull, as it comes out of the box, your rev rate might let you play in the oil, depending on how much true oil you have. YOu might also polish it slightly (to a lot) and play the dry. I don't think they are very expensive; so, it's worth a shot.

Another alternative might be a ball with a more even reacting, mild, solid coverstock and drilling it pin on axis. Another drilling alternative for symetric cores that might help you on this condition is a 5x0, pin above the fingers/bridge and CG on your axis.

A lot of the ball choice will depend on exactly how much oil/dry you have. It's hard to be more definitive. The Rush is a very strong ball; with a 4x3 drillign for you would be for medium-heavy to heavy oil, if your delivery/release specs are correct. Oh, if you try dulling it down to 600, AND then keep it on the oil, that might work, again, depending on exactly how much oil there is.

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Re: A little ball help ?
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2004, 08:14:07 AM »
Hammer Big Blue Pearl might be a good choice.

We have drilled one for a power player during European Cup Individuals.
Drilling was; pin to PAP 5inches (pin up) and HMB on track. He used it on 33 feet pattern. With that drilling, that ball is one of the most predictable balls with polished surface. Great Length with gentle arc to the pocket.

Depending on the amount of oil, you can adjust the length and flare you desire by placing the pin from 4 to 5-1/2 inches from your PAP. If you keep the HMB on your track, I don't think it will be snappy. But still you may need to open the lane up depending on the condition.

May sound a little weird but V2 (the sanded reactive, black one) may do the trick. If you sand it to 2000 grit, you can't imagine how much length and control you can get from it. This could be better for wet/dry conditions with a fair amount of oil in the heads.

Hope this helps,


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Re: A little ball help ?
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2004, 08:21:32 AM »
Here's the my bigest problem, we are the first shift on the lanes, last week they went from an ABC legal shot, with oil to the ditch, to a fresh strip hard wall.   Being the first shift on the lanes, there is a good amount of oil 10 to 10, and it's long, I tried throwing the Rush at 800 grit, and it wants to grip to early and doesn't like to get down the lane, but never really finishes, actually nothing finishes if you don't get it right of 10 and let it start to hook from there, if I move left and try to swing it out and come back it doesn't have the recovery and if I tug a little on the line I don't hit the head pin.  What I would like to do is stand with 17, or so, between my feet and roll the ball over 11-12 at the arrows and basically ride the oil line, a tug then would be almost like throwing the high hard one straight at the hole then and the oil would let the ball pretty much back up to the hole.   I have a Paramount Kaboose drilled pin under middle finger and cg in palm that works pretty well, I get about 1 1/2 inches of flare out of it, so I thought the low flare week core or cover might be a way to go?

I am unable to play in the oil at all, I have a very difficult time slowing my speed down, my timing becomes horrible, and anything that stays in the oil doesn't hook, I have a Visionary black scorcher that will not hook inside the oil line, untill the last game when the tracks wears in some.   If I try to play the oil line with the scorcher it is ugly!   I need something with less surface to play right there.    I have an Axis drilled AMF nighthawk SPT I can drag out tomorrow and try along with a Meteor Storm I am bringing out of the basement, I think low tech stuff is going to work better?????

I am lost right now, that's why I am open to sugestions.


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Re: A little ball help ?
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2004, 10:20:34 AM »
Well to me it sounds like you dont really have a problem with the extreme wet/dry as you do off finding somewhere to play on it. If your having problems with your ball not rolling up at all i wouldn't suggest something like the super trooper because of the over/under your gonna get with it. On extreme wet/dry when i see it on regionals and high roller tournys its always best for me and the other guys who r scoring to try to cross as little boards as possible with a duller surface ball that just rolls(basically a pin on your axes drilling like your spt) but this layout doesnt enable you to miss right down the lane because there inst recovery from that layout. I would suggest throwing your spt up the oil line but if you get into trouble there just get very deep and play a fall back shot. If the backends are that strong you wont have to wory about carry. If this doesnt work you can always get soemthing that hooks insanely and hook the lane


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Re: A little ball help ?
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2004, 10:32:42 AM »
Right now if I get the ball out side of 10 it looks like there is a 2x4 nailed down that the ball just bounces off of, if I get the ball in it's slides by the headpin, I was thinking a ball that doesn't react much like the pure hammer, but the pin axis might work for me.  I tried even going up agianst the ball return and swinging it the the ditch real late, I now know how to leave pocket 7-10's.

Whatever will work, I can decrease the revs and stay consistant with that, and I am comfortable moving about anywhere on the lane, so ideas that way are just as good.  It is just such a drastic wet dry and it kills me!!


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Re: A little ball help ?
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2004, 10:38:44 AM »
SB, I just drilled up a Lane#1 Bullet and it might be what you're looking for.  It's a low diff., low flare ball with a lot of "hit."On a heavier oiled 45' with doubly stripped back ends this ball is very clean thru the heads and mids, reading the dry very well, with a nice arc to the hole. As a comparison, on the same shot my Uranium is stronger by as much as 10-12 boards.  I don't have enough games on mine to declare it to be the perfect answer for you, but I am impressed with it.
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Re: A little ball help ?
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2004, 12:37:30 PM »
SB, I bowl on a simular shot to what you are talking about, I don't think my house has as drastic change from the oil to the dry but still know whatyou mean.  I just bought a Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl drilled with the pin right of the ring finger and the cg in palm.  The Pro Stock Pearl may be to over under for your shot but you may look at the Pro Stock solid has a medium rg(2.54) so it will clear the heads and still start rolling early enough and with the solid Monsoon cover if you get it out it may not snap back on ya but still have the grip to move a little if you tug it.  It does come 1500 polished but nothing a scotch brite wont fix.  Good luck with what ever ball you choose.
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But I don't want to listen
Strap me down and tell me
I'll be alright
I can feel the subliminal need
To be one with the voice
And make everything alright