With the way you describe your track, rev speed and ball speed, I strongly suspect that the Super Trooper will flip unmercifully for you, unless you do something very unusual like a pin on axis drilling. (It has a polished SUper-Flex cover which can be very flippy when polished.)
A friend is currently using a Pure Hammer fairly well and it has it gloss polished. I think this type of ball (basically urethane cover with low RG and medium flare) might work for your revs. If you leave it dull, as it comes out of the box, your rev rate might let you play in the oil, depending on how much true oil you have. YOu might also polish it slightly (to a lot) and play the dry. I don't think they are very expensive; so, it's worth a shot.
Another alternative might be a ball with a more even reacting, mild, solid coverstock and drilling it pin on axis. Another drilling alternative for symetric cores that might help you on this condition is a 5x0, pin above the fingers/bridge and CG on your axis.
A lot of the ball choice will depend on exactly how much oil/dry you have. It's hard to be more definitive. The Rush is a very strong ball; with a 4x3 drillign for you would be for medium-heavy to heavy oil, if your delivery/release specs are correct. Oh, if you try dulling it down to 600, AND then keep it on the oil, that might work, again, depending on exactly how much oil there is.
"When we choose an action,
we also choose the consequences of that action.