Wow, I never thought I'd get here. I have loved this sport for my entire life. I have reached a point, where I no longer look forward to bowling anymore. In fact, it has gotten to the point where I feel like its more trouble than its worth. Here's my story.... I bowl on a mixed handicapped league on the great wall of China, after 2 weeks I'm averaging 235. That will drop of course, I'm usually around 215, but I'll get to the point. We have 3 200 average bowlers on our team, and we can't compete, not even close. Naturally, you would say, bowl a scratch league then. The problem becomes that my wife wants to bowl too, and she only averages 130. Now, even she has lost the will to bowl, because we get freakin creamed every week. I shot 717, with my incoming average of 209 from summer, other guys on my team were at least 20 pins over aver. and we lost the series by 300 pins... It's not all about winning, but its hard when you know that even if you shot 850, you still would lose...
Now, it isn't all about not being able to win. I feel like I really have nothing more to get out of the sport. I miss the feeling I used to get, coming into the house, ready to conquer the lanes. Unfortunately, we bowl at a house where all a lefty has to do is stand right and throw left and you get pocket... We tried to go to 2 different houses, neither could fill more than 6 teams for a winter league.
Lastly, the league we bowl on is full of miserable people who all think should be on the PBA because they can chuck a ball through the headpin and strike. There was a time when everyone had fun on mixed leagues. If you lost, you shook the other guys hand and had a beer afterward. Now, its like these people are trying to break the land-speed record to get home to watch Matlock... Bowling can be seroius but still fun, Christ it's a mixed league.... I guess I'm frustrated...
Is there anyone on here who feels the same way??? I'm honestly considering dropping this Winter league. It's hard because I have bowled with the guys for 4 years now, but my hearts not in it anymore and its hard to go on like that.... I'm thinking maybe take the winter off and see where summer takes me... Sorry just had to vent, post your thoughts...
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