Hi all.........
I wanted to share this with you because ...well, I don't know, just because...
Last night before practice time started, they always have an announcement or 2 real quick , award announcements, etc........last night was no different, yet, it was very different.
Late last week Thurs I believe,...one of the LOOOOONG standing members of our league died of a brain anurism at 62. I personally did not know who he was, but everyone on my team, and many others knew him very well. They would say that their dad used to bowl with Estes, and he's been here for 30+ years, etc, etc......
The guy who does the announcements was having trouble getting thru it this time...obviously a friend of his, as so many were it seemed......afterwards he asked for a moment of silence... 40 lane house, 38 teams + "spectators" (you do the math) .....you could have heard a pin-drop on the carpet!!
When awards announcements were done after the silent moment, before they turned on the lanes for practice,...they did a "last frame" on lanes 15-16 for Estes where he would have been last night....they turned them on, and cycled the returns....once again....total silence as everyone watched lanes 15-16....
I didn't know him, and honestly, I couldn't even put his face with his name, but last night,...it didn't matter....it was sad, and very touching......
The league collected almost $700 for his family last night which was announced during the 3rd game....
Funny how a stupid game like ours can bring people together, and feel for someone you don't even know, ....because....well, because we all bowl...that's why..........
JEFFBetter....much better!