I have no problem with a flat pattern, it does level things out. However, I think that the US Open patterns can be a bit more difficult. If you've looked at the qualifying scores the ast couple of years, some very good bowlers have been very embarrassed on that pattern. I think that you want to be careful that some egos are too badly
bruised by an overly tough shot. A lot of the better bowlers want a more demanding shot, but they don't want "stupid" tough. Make the shot difficult, but scoreable.
As an example, I've bowled a local scratch tournament that typically puts out a 40-44 ft pattern that is essentially flat. With the usual 40-50 entries, there is usually less than 5 that average 200 for the 6 games. I don't think I've hear anyone complain that it's too difficult or blame the shot for their inability to score. Most of the time, it's comments about their own failure to adjust and execute.
I think that's the kind of shot you want, tough but scorable.
On edit: If I were in the area, I'd bowl the league, even if it was a US Open shot.
Edited on 2/10/2005 10:34 AM