I guess I didn't make myself clear re: a ball's RG adding length, sanded surfaces and floods. As in all things related to oil and a ball's surface and its drilling, everything is relative to some other factor. I mean how much the core's RG will affect the ball's motion when the ball is sanded so low as 320 (which is virtually obscene) will, itself, in turn, be affected by exactly how much oil is out there, the bowler's speed and Revs, and whatthe surface is that has just been sanded. The Spell is a pearl and it probably not a high load of particles, probably is a low load. I don't know for sure.
But it seems there are so many variables involved in this discussion, I think we are not going to reach any firm conclusions.
BTW Ric, as someone else of on one of your other "Heavy Oil Ball" threads mentioned, I wonder if you're really encountering TRUE heavy oil. Any chance of getting the number of units from the lane man. Then someone can tell us if this is really heavy oil.
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."