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Author Topic: A possible fix for USBC change (MUST READ)  (Read 1014 times)

Doc Hollywood

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A possible fix for USBC change (MUST READ)
« on: May 29, 2005, 02:16:46 PM »
Many bowlers feel that the new PROPOSED rule change will affect bowling balls and the option of drilling with weight holes.

I was thinking about this and though it would affect me somewhat, I do not drill many balls with the cg that far out.  However I do like to experiment with weight holes to fine tune a reaction.

It is my opinion and I think that the ball manufacturers have already begun to work on a possible solution.  If you don't know already, shifting a weightblock ever so slightly when the ball is made will determine how far the pin to cg length is and how much topweight will be in a ball.  Since many bowlers like to rotate the MB around and then drill a void into the ball.  Why not create a void in the weightblock to bring back the cg near the centergrip line?  Vice Versa, you could also increase the weight of the weight block to get the ball in balance. If this is confusing to you just stay with me.

The manufacture of bowling balls could shift an asymmetric core to impart a cg that is out of line with the Pin-MB. I think many of you have seen these balls before and many of you have bought them before.  They could create these cg's left and right of the Pin-MB line.  Just at different lengths from the Pin-MB line.

Personally I think that the ball companies will begin to create these at different lengths if the rule passes.

This way you could still rotate the core (MB) but you will not have to put a weigth hole in the ball to keep it legal.

Pro shops would have to know what drilling you would want and then request a ball that would meet new criteria like:
A) Pin to CG distance
B) Top weight
C) How far off line the CG is from the Pin-MB
D) CG left or CG right of Pin-MB line

If you know the layout you want you could just request the ball and then punch it up.  It would make the balls more specific and would really require you to have a pro shop set the ball up.  Only difference is you couldn't put in a weighthole to tailor the reaction.

I hope this makes sense to you now and possibly keep you all interested in bowling.

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Doug Sterner

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Re: A possible fix for USBC change (MUST READ)
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2005, 10:33:17 PM »
Good call Doc but then as you state there will be specific balls for lefties or righties and also depending on the drilling.

Could be a bit hard on suppliers and also shops to keep stock but.....
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
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Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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Re: A possible fix for USBC change (MUST READ)
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2005, 10:39:52 PM »
Well, balls already have mb's off line with the cg, so i think the only problem would be cost of quality control.


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Re: A possible fix for USBC change (MUST READ)
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2005, 08:41:04 PM »
To repeat a post on the other topic on this issue. Go to and e-mail them your opinions on this change. They are soliciting our responses, take advantage.