When you decide to do that call me and I'll send somebody over to knock some sense into you.
1. I'm just going to assume you make money doing the IT thing, and it has to pay better than a pro shop. Why would you take time away from that to do something that pays less?
2. If you want to make a hobby less enjoyable make it your job.
Oh, I completely make more money in IT, but I love being in a pro shop. A normal IT job, when being worked remotely, can be anytime. My specialty is virtualization and data center management, so I could tax write-off part of the shop as my office, and still work in a shop. I know how thankless the pro shop industry is, but I'm used to that in IT. I'd basically work from home until lunch, go to the shop so I can have some peace and quiet, open around the end of my work day, and then enjoy what it is that I WANT to do.
I gave up the pro shop life over 10 years ago, and if I could feed my family doing it, I'd drop the IT job like a hot potato. My passion isn't in IT. My money is.