Pity and empathy. Why would you willingly add to his list of problems?
Now, if this is bowling related, I would guess that he is the league secretary and has taken league funds for himself or he's taken something from someone else at league. Almost anything else and he would be forgiven under the principle that it's just a game.
Doesn't show up and leaves you without a legal lineup? Be a fscking human.
Doesn't pay and goes into arrears, again making you forfeit games? I would gladly pay any of my teammate's lineage in a tight situation.
Bowls badly because he's distracted? Be a fscking human.
Mouths off to the wrong person or lets his temper get a little out of hand, again, have some sympathy.
If he's your friend, you help him out. If that means a little inconvenience, a little forgiveness, a little understanding, do it.