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Author Topic: A question for league officials  (Read 6716 times)


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A question for league officials
« on: December 21, 2012, 07:17:47 AM »
I have a question for any league officials out there, or anyone else who wishes to respond. I bowl in a Monday Mixed Trio league with about 20 teams, mostly people just looking for something to do, but a few that are competitive. 4 weeks ago we were bowling next to a guy who averages around 220 and is considered a THB. He wants two lane courtesy even though there is no rule for it. My team does not give two lane unless specified in league rules. He started to get very angry with us and eventually slammed his ball on the rack and proceeded to cuss us out and threaten to knock us out. We argued a few minutes and that was that. Now this past Monday we were bowling next to his son and apparently he wanted two lanes also. Of course we did our thing and only observed one lane courtesy. I found out last night that they called the league secretary shortly after bowling ended and said they wanted to protest us for disrupting their bowling. My question is do they have a valid case against us even though we have followed the rules? And wouldn't the dad slamming the ball down and going off on us constitute more of a disruption? Sorry for the long post, I'm just trying to understand what the objective of this protest is. We have a league meeting on the 7th of January.



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Re: A question for league officials
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2012, 07:54:38 AM »
If it's not in the league bylaws, i don't believe he has a leg to stand on.  It's an ethics situation, but i can understand how he feels.  I too, like and give 2 lane courtesy, unless directed specifically not to, as in some tournaments.  The only thing i can suggest is 1) when you see him up, take the extra second and wait 2) he should realize that you aren't giving 2 lane and take the extra second to let you go first.  One question i have is how long does he take in his pre-shot routine?  Is he a human rain delay?  That could also influence my answer.  If he's up on the approach, set, and you walk up, then i see his point.  I know in my leagues, there are certain people that will walk up on you no matter what, so i know those people and take my time and let them go first.  It also matters what the game is like.  Does he have the front 7,8,9???  There are many different factors that come into play.  I know you will see responses about "If you are focused it doesn't matter." but it does when all of a sudden the guy slaps one out or stomps because he left a 10.  Just my thoughts.  Good luck with the meeting, but if it isn't in the bylaws, you have nothing to worry about.     


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Re: A question for league officials
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2012, 09:17:01 AM »
Most leagues and even tournaments are 1 lane courtesy.  You did nothing wrong !

Most high average bowlers know the trick to get 2 lanes without being a jerk. 

I would ask him why does he think he deserves 2 lanes when the rest of the league gets only 1 ?

Looks like it might be time for a league meeting and get this straightned out so everyone can start to enjoy themselves again.


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Re: A question for league officials
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2012, 11:36:58 AM »
I like giving 2 lanes but the fact that he thinks it's "deserved" tell him to suck it, it's not a PBA tournament.  Even if he did have 7,8,9 in a row you are still following the rules of the league which is one lane.  Don't budge for a clown like that.


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Re: A question for league officials
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2012, 11:39:57 AM »
Below is an excerpt from the USBC Rule Book.  This statement is not listed as a "Rule" but as a guideline:

Observe one-lane courtesy. The bowler on the right should bowl if both reach the approach at the same time. Stay off the approach while you wait.

To me, this means you could legally give zero lane courtesy and be within the rules of USBC unless there is a league rule stating otherwise.

To insist on 2-lane courtesy is too extreme, especially when there is no rule on any type of courtesy.  The league needs to inform this bowler if he wants 2-lane courtesy, he can do his best to achieve it by his actions alone (waiting till it is clear within 2 lanes) as long as his actions do not make finishing the scheduled league games take too long.


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Re: A question for league officials
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2012, 10:24:16 AM »
really? a league meeting over this?

I will go with the flow, some get one lane, some get 2
depends what they give me, and it depends on the league, my sport league is 2 lanes.
It's not worth this kind of hassle, supposed to be fun or why do it


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Re: A question for league officials
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2012, 10:47:47 AM »
IMO anyone that needs or demands 2 lanes is a cry baby. There is no need for 2 lane courtesy. If there is not league rule for 2 lanes then you should not worry about it, its his problem. You should go on and have fun. If the guy keeps having issues and outburst then someone needs to do something about him not you guys.

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Re: A question for league officials
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2012, 10:27:43 PM »
If your league secretary does not back you up, you need to get a new secretary.
Simply follow league rules.

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Re: A question for league officials
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2012, 10:56:25 PM »
Keep giving him 1 lane and keep letting him get angry.   Bowling league today is like directing traffic.  Nobody is ready to bowl, nobody is at the lanes when their name is up.  Some people want 2 lanes, others want like the whole bowling center.   This guy will not go when that guy is up,  this guy doesn't go if that spare is next to him etc.

I try to sneak in my shot when I can.   Some guys give me two lanes, and I don't really care if they do or don't.   If there is somebody who I know does something wacky or possibly could do something wacky I just take my time when I'm up and let them bowl.

Honestly it's a mess during league.  So just bowl at your own pace and who cares if the guy gets mad.   


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Re: A question for league officials
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2012, 11:12:20 PM »
Keep giving him 1 lane and keep letting him get angry.   Bowling league today is like directing traffic.  Nobody is ready to bowl, nobody is at the lanes when their name is up.  Some people want 2 lanes, others want like the whole bowling center.   This guy will not go when that guy is up,  this guy doesn't go if that spare is next to him etc.

I try to sneak in my shot when I can.   Some guys give me two lanes, and I don't really care if they do or don't.   If there is somebody who I know does something wacky or possibly could do something wacky I just take my time when I'm up and let them bowl.

Honestly it's a mess during league.  So just bowl at your own pace and who cares if the guy gets mad.   

+1 Very true, especially in mixed leagues. Apparently some people can't hold out for 3 hours to not have a cigarette and bowl at a steady pace...
"Yeah...Well that's just like...your opinion, man." - The Dude


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Re: A question for league officials
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2012, 09:33:25 AM »
I was in a league and the rules stated that there was a 2 lane courtesy. It only lasted 1 season. It added about an hour to the 20 team league. He just have to suck it up and bowl.


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Re: A question for league officials
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2012, 02:19:57 PM »
I feel fortunate to get just 1 lane courtesy.  Because I use the entire approach there is always the clown who feels the need to step up on the approach to grab his ball out of the ball return only to then realize someone was trying to bowl.

It seems like everyone is in a hurry today and that bowling must be done in like 30 minutes.  For a 5 man team league with 16 just does not work that way.

1 lane courtesy is sufficient.  2 lanes is generally only things like NEBA tournaments.

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Re: A question for league officials
« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2012, 05:17:07 PM »
What a baby. I know when I first started anything in my peripheral two lanes away would put me off. Already after 6 months it rarely effects me at all.

As a beginner who still has to think actively about doing specific things right with my swing I find it quite ludicrous that a 220 avg bowler who would probably have a very set routine can be distracted significantly.

That said I try to time when I bowl to have as little disruption as possible and it is  really not that hard at all.

Guy obviously takes himself way too seriously and like you said, slamming his ball down and kicking up a stink is more of a disruption to bowlers (bowlers chucking a tantrum in general).


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Re: A question for league officials
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2012, 06:51:32 AM »
USBC says one lane.  Many of the upper bowlers like two lanes.  If they really want 2 lanes, they will wait you out.  You have done nothing wrong.  USBC will not uphold his protest, unless the league by-laws state 2-lane courtesy.  Most houses will not allow it because of the extra time it takes.  I suggest you file a complaint about sportsmanship and disrupting the league with vulgar and foul language.
League Preident and Association Vice-President.
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Re: A question for league officials
« Reply #14 on: December 28, 2012, 07:38:37 AM »
I need at least 3 lanes.......

Teacher and Chess coach from Cleveland, Ohio..Go Tribe!

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