Legal lineup has to be three bowlers present by completion of first frame. This team is usually on time, and very friendly about the competition. Both teams are new to our league, one joined or the summer season the other in the fall. The team that rushed the line is newest to our league, and like to quote rules while they bowl, when it benefits them. I have been on the approach and gotten stepped up on by these guys all season. The weather was overcast but 58 degrees, we are in Florida after all, No Snow.
I've bowled this league for a couple of years now and have seen teams come and go. Everybody gets along just fine and we have fun, but this was just over the top in my opinion.
Ted Domey
Columbia Resurgence
Columbia Momentum
Hammer Black Widow (Retired)
Hammer Hawg (Retired)
Ebonite Big Time Pearl
I used to bowl Candlepin, but I have found Tenpin, and will Candlepin no more.
** A Sinner Can Reform, But Stupid is Forever.**