A crown can be just as high scoring as a wall. In fact, I prefer a crown to a wall because the blending usually creates less overreaction if I miss right.
You are right, though. Not all house shots are created equal but 225 is still a pretty good scoring pace. Since you are relatively inexperienced, you will need to learn to score on all conditions. I find it amusing that someone who has only been bowling for one year (averaging a buck fifty something)is complaining that his crown is a tough condition.

But I digress... Everything you'd care to know about Sport Bowling can be found at
http://www.sportbowling.com . Sport Bowling is ABC/WIBC's attempt to bring integrity back to the sport. I encourage anyone who believes bowling is something more than a night out with the guys/gals to inquire about a Sport Bowling league in your house. I am much prouder of my achievements in Sport Bowling than in any honor score I've had on the China.
Edited on 3/14/2004 8:40 PM
Edited on 3/14/2004 8:41 PM