Joe Cool,
Are you serioulsy this stupid? C'mon, this is an act right? You really can't be this much of a dullard can you? How about answering just one of the questions I asked, instead of spouting off nonsense. But, to humor you, I will respond to a few of your idiotic meanderings....
1) Does the tournament need 48 lanes - well no, you are partially correct, but if you go with less than 48 lanes then the tournament will not be completed by early July, it would be late July or longer depending on how many lanes you do have. People already complain how long it takes for checks to arrive now, think about the complaints if the tournament runs through July 31st, or August 15th, or longer every year. Not a realistic example, the 48 lanes minimum is a neccessity, whether you think so or not.
2) No booths - I asked you how you would like to make up the lost revenue from missing the booths, your response....."the booths aren't a neccisity". Wow, really, that answers that question doesn't it.....not. EPIC FAIL. Again, if we remove the booths and the rent/revenue they generate, how should that be made up, lower prize funds or higher entry fees? Your choice. Will you actually answer this time?
3) Not in a convention center - so you really think a local establishment would throw out all open bowling, and all of it's leagues for 7-8 months of a year? Really?!? You think any center could survive this? How many bowlers would never set foot in that center again? How much revenue would be lost in the years following the tournament? So while it's nice to whine about that it doesn't have to be in a convention center, on planet Earth, in the real world, that isn't a viable option. No center would do this, none. No center would hurt it's local base like this just to hold this tournament. So again, a convention center is the only realistic option. Which again brings up the questions I asked earlier, which you conveniently didn't answer in spewing your garbage response, or in other words EPIC FAIL.
4) No area for "fans" - while I know it doesn't happen as much as it used to, but there are still people who make Nationals a family vacation. They have wives, husbands, children etc there with them that want to watch them bowl. So having an area for "fans" is a necessity, unless you want to further reduce the number of teams/bowlers that come year after year. The average bowler who goes to this tournament, isn't going to win an Eagle, they are going to enjoy time with friends and family. Why would you want to alienate them further? So again, realistically, this is another EPIC FAIL.
Mr C, which I am now certain stands for clueless, does this show you who is reading and who isn't? Your entire rant is nothing but one huge steaming pile of EPIC FAIL. These things may not be necessities to YOU, but either you have no plans to offset the reduced revenue of losing things or your "answers" are so far removed from reality they would only come true in some bizarro universe. And just to add one more thing to this, the Bowler's Journal Championships had a record number of entries last year....but you want to just throw it away as something not needed. Did you read that....a RECORD number of entries. So obviously there are a lot of bowlers who felt it was a necessity. Again, nothing but an EPIC FAIL. If you want to be realistic we can debate this further. Otherwise just don't respond because it isn't fair to the rest of the readers of this topic. Your so-called answers are so far out there i'm suprised one of them wasn't to use anti-gravity devices so we can suspend bowlers and lanes in the air above the lanes on the ground so we get twice as many bowlers particpating at one time, and you can charge extra for those that want the anti-gravity experience. That is as realistic as any of your other solutions offered.