My measuring system works rather well, and I always base it off a persons hand, hand size, flexibility, Rico your a blow hard know it all. You come on here and you interject your little bit of you knowing it all.
I have more than a 10% drop ring finger span rate in customers. Right or wrong, it is what it is
Obviously you can't read. I gave you an example of how my hand is. AN EXAMPLE of what possibly could be considered a candidate for a dropped ring finger, and in fact it is me.
I fitted a guy the other day who has been bowling for about 3-4 years. He went over to the pro shop in town that has been in business for 30 years. The biggest name in the town. His spans were 5 1/8 x 5 1/4. He always complained his hand hurt, his fingernails where all but out of the ball, stretched way beyond the acceptable point. No forward or reverse in his fingers, etc. I fit his hand, comfortably with no stretch or excessive tautness at 4 3/8th on both fingers, and used 1/4 reverse in his fingers because they were very stiff from working daily in a factory with his hands. No more pain, no more issues with an incorrect fit.
You wouldn't dare say something derogatory about the skills of somebody who buys tons of the product your trying to sell, even if they are doing a hack job. That's your problem Rico. You sure love to judge and throw your two cents in, but you wouldn't speak up if you couldn't hide behind a screen.
Edited by The Dreaded Durbin on 2/10/2011 at 2:39 PM