As I put in my own post previously. I cannot understand people not using the experience of a coach if there is one there.
Mine costs me £15 about $25 for 1 hour person-person session and I cant tell you how much Ive improved after only 2 sessions.Im disabled and £15 per session is a lot out of my money each week, but I know that I will be benifitting in the long run.
Several bowlers in my league have come over and started watching me bowl and gone to the trouble of saying how much better my shots look.
It gives you a nice feeling inside when you feel that you have someone on your side so to speak. After last nights matches the 3 people that are weekly subscribers to Mikes lessons all won and won well. We were over the moon, but more so was Mike, he was smilling ear to ear after the league. Its like a little club all of us pulling for each other and youd be supprised how much confidence that gives you.
I think 1 on 1 coaching would help so many bowlers who are maybe a little lost as to where to go from here. Why not give it a try, just one session and Im sure youd notice the difference.
Happy go lucky bowler from the UK

Did someone say tough luck