I've been looking for a new pro shop since the one I had been going to for 19 years was abruptly shut down by the owner of a bowling center where the shop was in. I have looked around most of my area to get a feel for these shops and to also see what prices they charge for drilling. There are some things I just don't understand. I know I will probably get slammed on this but I need to ask/vent
1) Why in the world would shops charge with no grips/slugs starting @ $60 for a ball not purchased from them and then after grips and slug it ends up at least an additional $17-$20? So we are talking about an additional $80 if not more?
2) internet sales have killed pro shops. Can someone tell me how? You charge for drilling and grips/slugs most of it is labor. Unless shops charge ala carte you incorporate the cost of drilling only into the cost of the ball. (I don't know any shops in my area that do this now. There was 1 who tried this, and also thought since they were a silver level coach and also a ABC Eagle holder, their prices were just plain stupid/ Needless to say, that shop isn't there anymore)
3) If the customer doesn't buy the ball from your shop and you charge a minimum of $60. With the customer understanding that if something goes wrong, your shop is not liable and also would not handle the warranty. The customer would need to go back to wherever they got the ball from. Why try and make more money off of a customer if they don't buy the ball from you?
4) By charging higher rates because they didn't buy the ball from you, this of course forces them to buy it from you and not say through internet or even through offers that PBA members get. The customer may save if you are lucky $15 on the 'high performance' balls but for mid price or low price equipment, you are basically stuck having to get it from the shop since adding the cost of grips/slugs to these lower cost equipment would either make it even or possibly would cost the customer more after you have it drilled by the pro shop. For example, the cost of the hooks series balls for 900 Global. I have seen them advertised for $79.99 shipped. If you add the cost of drilling $60, grips/slug $20 this comes out to be $159 plus tax on the taxable amount. One of the shops I've visited, charges $124.95 tag on the $20 for grips/slug plus tax, it comes out to be about the same.
5) Could someone explain what the 'loss' would be to a shop if you charge say $45 drilled with grips/slugs out the door since this would mainly be labor?
I am just beside myself that I don't have options. That a pro shop is going to force me into buying equipment from them. This makes me not want to buy any equipment. This makes me also not want to continue with bowling. Do you think by basically telling the customer if you don't buy the ball from us you can just go ahead and bend over? This is pretty much what you are doing.
I know it's a double edge sword on this. But if you really look at it, most people that buy off the internet or buy direct through the manufacturers normally don't buy just 1 ball a year. They buy multiple.
So, I'd like to hear from pro shop operators on this so I can get a better understanding why charging someone approx. $80 to drill a ball vs $45 when most of it is labor. I understand I will most likely get slammed but I am just asking for honest answers. Thanks in advance.