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Author Topic: About Spares....  (Read 3527 times)


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About Spares....
« on: April 04, 2004, 08:36:29 AM »
I was reading the posts made by bowlingkid25 and hammerheadkid300, and I saw something important, and I felt it was for me too... We are always complaining about our balls hook or carry, but we are still not good enough to make a spare game, and really, I discovered that on my last league final match... I threw a 559 with a 76.30% spares and only 35.26% of strikes (BASED ON EVERY FRAME, not pocket hits)... (I keep my stadistics )... I started a new league on other center and I complained about the broken oil machine that puts a flood on a part of the boards (10 to 15)... I threw 457 WHY??? BECAUSE I MISSED LOTS OF SPARES... So, Why are we (the new bowlers) complaining about so advanced things if we cannot take spares, and even miss easy ones like morons????

Really we should all practice our spare game and our adjustments... When we start to carry a 190 avg. THEN we can think of surface, hook and buy more balls... Some kids on the center I play in have 4-5 balls and carry a 140ish average... I have only 3, My Vendetta, My v2 Pearl and my Dragon Ball... And I RARELY use my dragon ball, V2 carries spares very well....
Gendou Ikari... Bowl to Win!!!

Edited on 4/7/2004 1:17 AM

Edited on 4/7/2004 1:18 AM
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Re: About Spares....
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2004, 02:46:22 AM »
Very true that spares can make a big difference. Many a night this year where I couldn't find a stable line to the pocket enough to carry that instead I left single pins or 7 and 8 counts that I converted into spares. I'm happier a lot of times with clean low deuce games than I am when I throw 230 or better but missed 1 or 2 easy spares...



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Re: About Spares....
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2004, 02:51:55 AM »
Very good point!  Too many bowlers like most people just want to learn to throw strikes before anything else.  It's the ol' wanting to run before you can walk theory...
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Re: About Spares....
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2004, 12:05:33 PM »
GendouIkari -- You are very wise for your age.  I believe spares are actually MORE important than strikes.  Why?  Because the ability to make spares indicates accuracy.  When you have tuned your game well enough that you can make your spares, you will find that you hit the pocket more frequently with your first ball, resulting in more strikes and easier spares to make.  Watch the top bowlers at your center and the PBA on TV.  They don't miss many spares, do they?  That's because they PRACTICE shooting spares until it's second nature.  Do you practice spare shooting or consider it a necessary evil?  When you practice, don't be concerned about your score.  Try shooting a 10 pin on the first ball and a 7 pin on the second ball.  The next frame shoot a 4 pin and a 6 pin.  Then a 2 pin and a 3 pin.  Then straight into the head pin.  If you can make these shots with regularity you can make any spare with only minor adjustments.  You will see your average increase more than if you practiced strike shots over and over.  --  JohnP


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Re: About Spares....
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2004, 12:18:47 PM »
I say fooey to spares, especially those corner pins!  I just look at and realize im comming in light, and make an adjustment and hope i find my mark.  But if i throw an ugly ball and hit brooklyn and leave a 3-6 then the spares count.

FWIW last night i sucked, and left alot of 9 counts that i couldnt convert... after i had done some serious spare practice on Wed night

Myself i have 2 balls, ebonite predator if it comes back with oil in the track keep using it, if not then i go to my zone.  I make it a point to shoot spares with both of these balls, i think its better practice than plastic.  

Edited on 4/5/2004 12:13 PM


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Re: About Spares....
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2004, 12:35:06 PM »
Moe -- Maybe that's why you're a 120 average league bowler.  --  JohnP


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Re: About Spares....
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2004, 12:38:30 PM »
Its 136 now, i havent cared to update it.  But realisticly its more of a 150, i just learned how to bowl during this leauge.  Im a teams worst nightmare, an unintentional sandbagger.

I will admit that most times than not its spares that i miss, or a ball that i just completely throw like crap.  But the 10 pin ohhh i cant shoot that thing for nothing half the time, and then there will be like 1 or 2 easy ones that i dont convert.  More of a brain fart during my release, the weirdest thing... if theres a 9-10 pin there, i will hit the 10 and not the 9.  

The only time i can shoot the 10 is when i dont wanna hit it. :shrug:  But that is what practice is for, tonight all you can bowl.  WOOT WOOT.

Edited on 4/5/2004 12:34 PM


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Re: About Spares....
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2004, 01:32:54 PM »
un-intentional sandbagger --- ROFLMAO... great term... I think that is one that should be used more to describe new bowlers. I am going to putin in my bowling dictionary. Thanks.

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Re: About Spares....
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2004, 01:48:41 PM »
No prob pin chaser  Everyone loves me, our leauge is team average.  And we get like up to 100 pins from teams, and everyone knows i can put up 60 over my average if i can find a mark.  No one really gets mad, cuz they all know me and seen me during week 1 of the leauge.    


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Re: About Spares....
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2004, 02:06:35 PM »
spares, spares, spares. Here we go again. I agree completely with GendouIkari - the initial poster...
If you can't make spares, you "don't got game". Period.
Some days, the pocket can't be found with both hands and a roadmap. What do you do then? Shoot 90s?

Several months ago, an open play bowler using a house ball and house shoes shot 300 on a lane right next to the scratch league. I was a few lanes away, doing something this guy has NO prayer of shooting - a clean 196 game.

What's your 10 pin percentage? How many do you leave? How many of those do you pick up? That alone is worth a bundle. Every missed 10 pin spare costs 11 pins - if you miss one a game, that's 11 pins off your average. But I guess they're not important... Hmmmm????

Sorry for the rant - but when the pins don't fall on the first ball, they give you a second shot for a reason. Learn how to use it, and you'll be a real bowler some day.
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Re: About Spares....
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2004, 02:33:13 PM »
It depends on a good night, i can hit it all night.  If im lucky thats only 3-4 times in a 3 game set.  But if its a bad night... i'd give me a 30% chance of hitting it.  And i will leave 7-9 during a 3 game set...  

My average does suffer from that, but i bowl for fun.  As long as im haveing a good time and my team mates are bowling well then i dont mind it at all.

Edited on 4/5/2004 2:27 PM


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Re: About Spares....
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2004, 03:00:38 PM »
GendouIkari you are correct.

Spare's matter because you can't throw a strike every time. Plain and simple.

you need a good spare shooting system. plastic is the easiest there is. it goes right where you throw it. couple that with a broken wrist or flat release and they only way you can miss a 1 pin spare is really bad timing. real bad.

there is almost no lane/oil factor involved. it doesn’t get any simpler.

P.S. I love the 130 guys who give advice on spare shooting. it's like getting a hair cut from a blind guy!

realistically it's tough to be clean every game with today’s automatic split in the box. but you can easily avg mid 180's without throwing a double. so tell me how anyone can avg less than 180 and say spares don't count.

given the nature of today’s' soft conditions and powerful balls how can any one say spares don't count if they avg less than 210 on a THS. it's so easy to rattle off 4 or 5 in a row. make 90% of your spare and your 210.

with the proper mental attitude and any semblance of athletic ability to walk the same way twice you should avg 180 or better without trying. You may be trying to hard. the run before walk comment is a good one.

develop a simple free swing and good balance at the line at your in the hunt for 200 easy.

how do I know this? I doing it. I missed the birth of these reactive balls and came back with a grip it rip urethane release. I could cover all 40 boards and never see enough oil. Now, I have deconstructed down to the simple. I don't even release the ball. I let it fall into a free swing and let gravity and natural muscle tendencies turn the ball as it wants and just follow though. sure it a weak ball compared to my other release but I make more spares and hit the pocket more. so I avg 200.

even now, if I made 3 more spares a night, which I have room for, I would be 210. all that without any ideal turn or high rev release. Control and accuracy makes it easy. When I can shoot a 210 avg I will then turn my attention to developing 2 more releases for tournament play or go for league high avg.

"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny

Edited on 4/5/2004 2:54 PM
"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny


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Re: About Spares....
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2004, 03:21:04 PM »
Because someone's leauge average is 136, after 12 weeks, that is not a direct reflection of my bowling.

Last night for my 3 game set i averaged 160, my first game was horrible, couldnt hit spares 137, next game 187, 153.  The first game was the one wehre i left alot of 9 counts, couldnt convert an easy 7 pin.  and then 2 ten pin's in a row.

My average in week 4 of the leauge was a 95!!!!!

The previous week.. 180ish, 140ish, 196.  Average = 172 second game was alot of spares few strikes.  Some nights i just cnat get into it, if im the only one marking then i just get fed up and the game goes in the toilet.  

Alot of you guys need to realize that an average is not a direct reflection of the type of bowling a person is capable of, its only an average.  The same ones who think this are the same who will point the finger and call someone a bagger when they start to shoot 40 pins over their average.

Edited on 4/5/2004 3:15 PM


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Re: About Spares....
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2004, 03:29:11 PM »
I Agree!!that's what i've been telling my daughter(10yrs old-109avg) and the other kids in her jr. league..her average has gone up 20-25 pins this year just by working on her spares and how to be more consistant how to adjust to the lanes.her high game this year is a 171 and she throws a fingertip ball-12lb..all the kids just want to throw strikes and don't put in the effort to make the spares.

just my 0.02

Edited on 4/5/2004 5:23 PM
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Re: About Spares....
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2004, 04:59:00 PM »
Moe -- I didn't mean to knock your average, but when a low average bowler says

"I say fooey to spares, especially those corner pins!"

that tells me something.  Now, let's talk about making the ten pin (advice from someone that makes about 60% of them, not very good - I know how, just don't execute very well even though I do practice them).

Get on the right hand lane of a pair (so the ball return will have its affect, you can always start on the same board on the left lane).  Move to the left side until your leg is hitting the ball return.  Now - and this is important -  turn your body to the right until you are facing the ten pin with the same alignment you use for the pocket.  Visualize the line the ball will make to the ten pin using your spare release, which should result in a straighter shot than your strike release, and pick out your target at the arrows.  Now walk parallel with that line and roll the ball over your target.  Did it hit the ten pin?  If not, adjust the target either left or right until it does.  This method should feel more natural and should improve your pick up percentage.  --  JohnP