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Author Topic: About Spares....  (Read 3528 times)


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About Spares....
« on: April 04, 2004, 08:36:29 AM »
I was reading the posts made by bowlingkid25 and hammerheadkid300, and I saw something important, and I felt it was for me too... We are always complaining about our balls hook or carry, but we are still not good enough to make a spare game, and really, I discovered that on my last league final match... I threw a 559 with a 76.30% spares and only 35.26% of strikes (BASED ON EVERY FRAME, not pocket hits)... (I keep my stadistics )... I started a new league on other center and I complained about the broken oil machine that puts a flood on a part of the boards (10 to 15)... I threw 457 WHY??? BECAUSE I MISSED LOTS OF SPARES... So, Why are we (the new bowlers) complaining about so advanced things if we cannot take spares, and even miss easy ones like morons????

Really we should all practice our spare game and our adjustments... When we start to carry a 190 avg. THEN we can think of surface, hook and buy more balls... Some kids on the center I play in have 4-5 balls and carry a 140ish average... I have only 3, My Vendetta, My v2 Pearl and my Dragon Ball... And I RARELY use my dragon ball, V2 carries spares very well....
Gendou Ikari... Bowl to Win!!!

Edited on 4/7/2004 1:17 AM

Edited on 4/7/2004 1:18 AM
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Re: About Spares....
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2004, 11:28:22 AM »
Everyone loves me.... so after my all you can bowl session last night(practice).  I recorded some pretty good scores, in the order that i bowled them they were.

150 (spare practice)
117 (more spare practice)(trying to get guys to bowl for money)

Total = 1,464  Average = 183  First series = 590
Now for my highs, average out the three highest scores... Series = 648  Average = 215  BTW my 232 is my new high game

Jeff Mop...I practice spares more than once a week, or a month, just because im new to bowling i would appreciate it if ppl wouldnt ASSUME or PRESSUME to know if i can pick up spares, or if i even practice.  

Jon P... thanks for the advice but i know how to pick up the 10 pin, it just doesnt alwalys work... as i said eairler i force myself to shoot my strike ball at all spares.  Sure i could use plastic, but i prefer to use my strike ball.

Edited on 4/6/2004 11:23 AM

Edited on 4/6/2004 11:24 AM


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Re: About Spares....
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2004, 11:42:06 AM »
The only reason I have my avg is because I spare, I only miss one spare on avg per game and thats usally a split...

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Re: About Spares....
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2004, 11:53:55 AM »
Moe -- Maybe that's why you're a 120 average league bowler. -- JohnP

That was more directed to Jon P.  
Its in my profile bud, i think that you set the bar to high for new bowlers.  Not everyone has the paitence to bowl, and practice on a regular basis.  140-160 is a good average for a newbie, IMO.


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Re: About Spares....
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2004, 12:36:13 PM »
whoa there buddy. time for an ego check!

you have some high caliber people telling what the reality of spares are and you still are in denial.

new, old, to the game doesn’t matter less than 180 = Bad spare shooter. don't take it so personally. that is just what it is.

your first ball may be terrible as well leaving you un-make able spares also. who knows we can't see you bowl.

so a 160 avg on a THS with a physically healthy person does place you in a certain level of skill.

so when you want to chime in a contradict a valuable statement people will get on you because you are misleading other bowlers who may want to get better and need this information to do so.

then when you try and defend so a weak position by denial and self promotion some people will get nasty because this thread has turned into a debate of useless banter.

If you can find a coach for even a 1 day lesson, you will learn so much and your practice sessions will be more valuable. if not listen to some of the better guys here they do know what they are talking about.

it is very conceited to think that you can tell a 20 yr or more skilled bowler he is wrong. If you accept what you are and want to improve you will have a better mental state and you might even avg 200 next year with potential to go higher but you can not do this with the attitude that you know it all already.

heck, even the best bowlers in the world listen to other coaches and bowlers to help there game. you are the world best 130 bowler if you don't need help.

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-- William Munny
"deserves got nothing to do with it."
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Re: About Spares....
« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2004, 03:44:14 PM »
As i said, one should not assume things.  Everything i say is MO, some days i feel that way some days i dont.  I take the advice given here, i posted 3 videos of myself less than a week ago.  Bad timing, is waht i had, causing me to step over and muscle the ball.  So waht did i do yesterday during my practice session?  Try to free up arm swing, and plant my slide foot, best piece of advice i ever got was. "slow your ball down"

Bottom like, i dont think that people here should be so fast to jump to conclusions.  Espcially the OLDER people of the fourm.

Again with the assuming...
if not listen to some of the better guys here they do know what they are talking about.

Everyone i bowl with is better than me

P.S Its obvious you guys cant detect sarcasm on the board...  

Edited on 4/6/2004 3:40 PM

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Re: About Spares....
« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2004, 05:28:37 PM »
I average the same on a house shot as i do on a sport shot. Make sense?
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Re: About Spares....
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2004, 01:23:30 AM »
A know this about spares but..
Isn't strike percentage based on pocket hits? No offense but 35% seems way too low for this. Assuming you can hit the pocket 10 times and only carry 3-4 time is extremely low. Do not mistake hitting the head pin as hitting the pocket. To me, if you leave a bucket or 2-10 or 3-7, you did not really make it to the pocket.

Hey, my strike percentage is based on EVERY frame.... So that 35% was 11 strikes on 32 frames I played...I dont count if it hit the pocket, brooklyn or anything else... I've had higher strike percentages, but lower spare percentage... With a double and full spares you get 200+ but a 4 bagger and a turkey missing every spare (3) is surely a 190ish game...

Eg. x x x x 6- 9- x x x 7- =198
BUT!!! 9/ x x 8/ 9/ 9/ 8/ x 9/ 9/9 = 202

Get it??? its Easier to knock a pin down... Carrying the whole 10 will depend more on factors like ball choice, entry angle, lane conditions, etc.

Gendou Ikari... Bowl to Win!!!
Smarter than the average Bear!!!