Everyone loves me.... so after my all you can bowl session last night(practice). I recorded some pretty good scores, in the order that i bowled them they were.
150 (spare practice)
117 (more spare practice)(trying to get guys to bowl for money)
Total = 1,464 Average = 183 First series = 590
Now for my highs, average out the three highest scores... Series = 648 Average = 215 BTW my 232 is my new high game

Jeff Mop...I practice spares more than once a week, or a month, just because im new to bowling i would appreciate it if ppl wouldnt ASSUME or PRESSUME to know if i can pick up spares, or if i even practice.

Jon P... thanks for the advice but i know how to pick up the 10 pin, it just doesnt alwalys work... as i said eairler i force myself to shoot my strike ball at all spares. Sure i could use plastic, but i prefer to use my strike ball.
Edited on 4/6/2004 11:23 AM
Edited on 4/6/2004 11:24 AM