I'm not sure if they still do this, but it surely worked when I lived there. I also don't know if it was just local thing, either.
Back in my hometown of Omaha, and in the early to mid 1990s, the local alleys set aside an entire week during the summer to get everyone out to bowl. 25 cent special for everything: 25 cents per game, 25 cents for shoe rental, 25 cents for hot dogs, 25 cents for soft drinks.
This was for anytime there were open lanes. Summer leagues obviously had priority, but any time there were open lanes, every house in Omaha was full with at least a 30 - 45 minute waiting list for a lane. At that time, there were.. lemme see.. Forgive me, have to count them out:
Kelley's North Bowl, Kelley's Hilltop Lanes, King Louie's Rose Bowl, Ames Bowl, Chop's Bowl, ICC Bowlatorium, Sky Lanes, Wildcat Lanes, Leopard Lanes, Cougar Lanes, Papio Bowl, Ralston Bowl, Mockingbird Lanes, Western Bowl, Gateway Lanes, Maplewood Lanes, West Lanes, and Leisure Lanes.
18 total. Every house made serious money on that. And all it took was an ad or two in the entertainment section of the local newspaper to get the word out.
The only place nowadays that has anything near close to this is Vegas if you want to pay 50 cents per game after 1am, and that is only at some alleys.
Omaha did this for at least 9-10 years (I moved in 1998), but every house made some serious money on it, plus got some people to join leagues because of it. I really don't see a reason as to why something like this wouldn't work again. I really don't.