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Author Topic: Accelerated Downswing  (Read 2284 times)


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Accelerated Downswing
« on: May 13, 2004, 09:42:05 PM »
Anyone have any tips for relaxing your armswing so that you do not "throw" it down?  Basically, I get to the top of my swing, and force the ball through the remainder of the swing.  Any tips on relaxing my arm????



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Re: Accelerated Downswing
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2004, 01:01:28 PM »
Make sure in your setup you have all the ball weight in opposite hand and when you start your steps foward just let the ball drop down and walk by the ball it will feel you are carrying the ball at first but after a couple of games you will have revs that you had no idea that you were capable of producing. This puts in the ball in total free arm swing if you just walk with the ball and let your armswing stop naturally and let the ball come down you will be a more leveraged position. I have been working with Bill Hall in fact tomorrow i am going for another two hours to be coached by him. The first couple of months have been rough totally changing my game but i now feel i can compete at least locally with most of the better bowlers, my point is with the right direction you will able to gain anywhere from 1 to 100 pins a game. I now create about 18 revs when i started with Bill it was around 13 but i now have a definite shape to my ball roll and can adjust from the reaction i am getting. If you are 4 step approach the ball needs to be at your side by the end of the first step even with your leg, if you a 5 step approach it needs to there by the end of the 2nd step. I believe timing is your main issue and you are catching up with the ball and forced to muscle i have been there my self and it takes time to break the habit. Post a video and we can look and get a better idea of if i am in the ball park or not, feel free to send to me privately if you wish to keep it off the site. Good luck-barry


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Re: Accelerated Downswing
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2004, 01:03:11 PM »
Just to ellaborate a little more, I'm slow off the first two steps, along with my backswing, but at the peak of my swing, EVERYTHING accelerates, my downswing as well as my steps.  Once in a while it will be controlled and the shot is great, but 9 times out of 10, I'm firing the ball down the lane.


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Re: Accelerated Downswing
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2004, 01:10:26 PM »
9 out of 10 people who grab the ball from the top of the swing also pull the ball back after they push away.  You really need to concentrate on arching the ball in your push away instead of making it look like a V.  After you arch the ball through the push away (also known as the hinge), you let gravity take the rest.  If you do not pull the ball from your push away, it is nearly impossible to over accelerate on the way down.  Of course this is with out seeing you in person.


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Re: Accelerated Downswing
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2004, 01:12:40 PM »
One big key to relaxing your swing is to make sure your grip is fairly snug, make sure the thumb is tight enough otherwise you will have to grip/squeeze the ball slightly to hang on and that starts the muscling effect.  Just a small tip...
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Re: Accelerated Downswing
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2004, 01:47:45 PM »
Can you help me out with this one??  Do you mean push the ball up slightly, and then let it drop down, or are you saying something else.  I'm trying to picture this in my mind and its not working......

9 out of 10 people who grab the ball from the top of the swing also pull the ball back after they push away.  You really need to concentrate on arching the ball in your push away instead of making it look like a V.  After you arch the ball through the push away (also known as the hinge), you let gravity take the rest.  If you do not pull the ball from your push away, it is nearly impossible to over accelerate on the way down.  Of course this is with out seeing you in person.


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Re: Accelerated Downswing
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2004, 03:33:44 PM »
Pushing the ball upward is not good you need to literally drop the ball and not push the ball away or up. I have been working on this very problem for 3 months i have almost got the problem totally solved, this will put the ball down by your side and not in front of you. I have watched in slow motion hours of Wiseman, Duke and Walter Ray they do not push the ball away not a single one of them. At first i did not believe it being taught pushways for 6 years by other coaches, but when you see for yourself the difference and seeing the best in the world not doing it you will start to realize that most coaches teach wrong. This is called set the ball and not a pushaway but until you try these a couple of games you will not think it will work but it does. Also if your ball is not properly fitted you have no choice but to grab the ball and then no matter what you do it will be a forced delivery. So make sure span and pitches are done right and then work on these timing issues and you will only get better than you already are. Good luck and happy rolling-barry


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Re: Accelerated Downswing
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2004, 04:55:57 PM »
There is a reason that you accellorate your armswing in your downswing. It is not because you want to. It is because you have to in order to maintain your timing at the bottom of your swing. Accellorating your swing reduces the time it takes to complete your armswing. If you eliminate your acceloration then you increase the time your armswing takes to completes. You will need to start you armswing earlier inorder to eliminate the accelloration in the down swing and maintain timing.

However, some accelloration is good, especially on certian conditions that require more ball speed.

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Re: Accelerated Downswing
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2004, 02:54:11 PM »
I actually meant after you extend your elbow in your push away....  Some people have a tendency to pull the ball into their back swing from there.  This will put you in a position where you almost have to pull it down from the top of the back swing.  Thus creating over exceleration.