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Author Topic: Accidently soaked my ball, average going down! are they related?  (Read 3585 times)


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Accidently soaked my ball, average going down! are they related?
« on: February 10, 2009, 12:04:07 AM »
hey guys, i am a league bowler who after 66 games was averaging 215. i use a brunswick fury, the ball is about a year old has been great for me. HOWEVER, i got into a ritual of soaking my ball in hot water with dawn dish soap every other week for about 15 min. i mistakenly forgot about it the last time i did it a month ago and it sat in hot water for nearly 5 hours. since then i have shot 580, 610, 603, and 591. although the scores havent dropped too low i was coming off 770, 740, and 720 the 3 weeks before. it just seems like the ball is dead and i am constanlty hanging 10's and 7's. it also doesnt crush the pocket like it was. i have given it 4 weeks now and i am starting to think it was something to do with the long bath i mistakenly gave it! any thoughts? thanks!
lets face it... this isnt deadlifting or picking up women.. its BOWLING!!!! Stop acting tough when you roll 4 strikes in a row!!!



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Re: Accidently soaked my ball, average going down! are they related?
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2009, 10:37:14 AM »
You CAN'T use more dish soap think about this guys. Dish Soap is primarily fat based thicker consistency than the oil on the lane right? WHY would you put a bowling ball in hot water and dawn dish soap then? if you wanna get the oil out just use hot water dish soap gets the oil out the ball. If you use dish Soap and hot water THE DISH SOAP STAYS IN THE BALL! and the dish soap is alot worse for the ball than the lane oil.

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Re: Accidently soaked my ball, average going down! are they related?
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2009, 06:45:20 PM »
wow! thanks guys! the dish soap being oil based does make sense. i was told that dawn soap was a "grease cutter" so putting it in the water somehow was supposed to "de-grease " the ball. however, it seems reasonable to think if its oil based the oil would stick to the small pores of the ball. what about a slow low temp bake in the oven? damn i feel like i cant get out of the kitchen with this bowling ball! i bowled again and shot 179, 196, 199. so if this doesnt work i may simply shell out the cash for a lane 1 buzzbomb! much thanks to all who have inquired!
lets face it... this isnt deadlifting or picking up women.. its BOWLING!!!! Stop acting tough when you roll 4 strikes in a row!!!