alot of times bowlers, myself included think we just have to split boards in order to be accurate. it's just not the case. sure i would like to split what i look at in half every time, but i realize it is not gonna happen. using one mark, say the arrows is fine is your playing down and in. you can get by with it. when you cross boards, you have to have at LEAST two points on the lanes to be accurate. this is why so many people spray the ball on the back. this is where line bowling is so helpful. it actually allows you a little area up front provided you hit your target down the lane. if you use just the arrows as a target and you are crossing boards, how do you truly know what board you hit on the back without using a reference point in that same location? this is one of the lessons i worked on with coach ron clifton. i was pretty accurate as lnog as i was playing down and in, but when i crossed boards my accuracy left me. read ron's articles on about line bowling. it sure did help me. peace, stopncrank
your ball company sucks!
oh, and your ball club sucks even more!