Okay before I get started I'm going to start by saying I understand why...It just sucks... I bowled for 10 years until 2000... Got into a car wreck, hurt my back, couldn't bowl and gave it up... Well long story short, 5 years later, dating a girl who bowls I get back into it in Nov of last year... My third week into the league my average was 156... Now I'm getting my game back, my average has climbed to 189, I shot 772 three weeks ago, 616 two weeks ago, and 675 last week... Thing is now people are starting to suggest that I sandbagged my first few months... Again I'm not saying I don't understand why... I'm just saying it sucks... Besides our team is in like 31st place...LOL... We just happen to de-rail 3 of the top five teams in the past 6 weeks...LOL...Well anyway I just thought I'd post this so that I could say that sometimes not ALL THE TIME, but sometimes it may appear that someone is sandbagging when in actually, they just either got their game back or got a new ball...
They say that 1 in 3 people in this world are ugly. So look to your left and look to your right, if neither one of those people are ugly... Guess who is!!!