it's got holes. he is two handed, for now, until he can get the swing down better, and he actually chooses a hand.
That's how my son is right now as well. Took him to his first outing at a bowling alley since he was 6 months old. He's been using a set of foam play pins and ball for the past 2 years, and our hallway for his alley, so it was time to get him to the real thing.
6lbs was a bit too much for him as well, despite him having his ball punched up and using all 3 holes (he's actually able to get two fingers in each finger hole and his thumb), and is still two handed. He's definitely right handed, but needs to get more fundamentals down (we all did at that age). But for now, he's having a blast and can't wait to get on the lanes again.
We're currently searching out Learn-to-bowl leagues.