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Author Topic: Addressing holes in the arsenal  (Read 1891 times)


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Addressing holes in the arsenal
« on: November 14, 2017, 03:24:03 PM »
Hi again. I am at the point where I am re-evaluating my arsenal, and what I currently use for league conditions. Currently, am bringing with a plastic spare ball, a Hyroad, and a Code Red. The tale of the tape on me reads as follows...I have a ball speed of 12-14 mph, with approx 330 rpm, I have a PAP that is 4 inches over and 1.5 inches up, with 24 degree tilt, and am a lefty. I tend to favor a pin up arcing layout for my layouts on the balls I am currently using. There are two areas I am focusing on here.
 I usually gravitate to shiny surfaced balls, due to the ball speed, but am wondering if I should possibly try to add a dull solid into the arsenal to have that smoother shot, when that can be advantageous, maybe swapping out the Hyroad or the Code Red for a bit, just to see. Solids I favor based on my stats I would think would be symmetrical, like the Dare Devil Trick and the Torrent, or Motiv Forza SS, or possibly the Magnitude 55, though I am wary of that rough 1500 grit finish the Magnitude comes at Oob. I would list the Hyroad Nano here as well, but am unsure on that NRG coverstock lifespan, as I asked about that in a recent post as well. I would think that the stronger asymmetrical solid balls may be a bit too fast revving up for me based on my stats, but would need advice on where those balls, like the No Rules Exist or Sure Lock would be worthwhile for a bowler of my type, being a slower tweener. I also considered the Hot Cell, but urethane of this type and having not used urethane for almost 20 years has me a bit put off by this.
 The other area I find my current selection lacking is the strong pearl for back end, though I have not had one personally to use for a while. I would consider balls like the Intense or No Rules Pearl or the Trident Quest. With a shiny coverstock, I tend to have a better sense with asymmetrical balls. I guess that concludes my lengthy post, leaving me to wait on the learned bowlers of this excellent forum to see where I should next focus on fine tuning my selection. Thanks for reading this to the end, and all input is most welcome.



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Re: Addressing holes in the arsenal
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2017, 05:08:20 PM »
>So I have 16 bowling balls that cover almost any situation and just bought 3 more. Why?

As someone who has 15 in the closet and 6 in the garage don't have to explain the why at least to me lol.   Hy-Road and spare ball means if mostly bowling on THS you got a good base to build on and I would try to keep it in your league bag if you can (I use a More Cash and Hy-Road for my THS league but I am much lower rev and significantly more speed than you).  Also I wouldn't decide on a ball based on its OOB finish.  That is trivial to change and I usually only keep my stuff OOB for about one session before I start experimenting on it.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2017, 05:39:53 PM by HackJandy »
Kind of noob when made this account so take advice with grain of salt.


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Re: Addressing holes in the arsenal
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2017, 09:21:33 PM »
Thanks for the input. I have, in the past, had a PSO change surfaces on a number of occasions, as I do not trust myself to do so and do not own all the equipment as such. Heck, when they changed a league shot on me at one house two years ago, I had to polish my guru to keep it useful, which worked out very well. ;). I usually try to err on the side of keeping things at Oob, as it stays more within the framework of why I got the ball in the first place, I think, then only change it if the shot is undergoing a major change housewide. Am mainly interested in trying a solid dull ball again due to a bit smoother backend and midlane traction, smoothing it out, as is said. I also have a tendency to be curious about changing up my lineup every now and then. I should have added that I throw a 14 pound ball earlier, for complete info.