I'm having a little bit of trouble understanding what you mean by "early hook." It sounds as if you mean that the ball is reading the break point too soon, which causes the ball to knife through the face. Assuming that is correct, you may also want to consider going to a more aggressive ball, probably something solid or something with a little more surface. This may sound strange, but a more aggressive ball is going to bleed off some of its energy as it goes through the heads and into the midlane, which should tame it down at the back of the lane. A lot of higher rev pros put this practice into play on the shorter PBA patters - think Cheetah, Viper, and whatever that new short one is. Everyone thinks that they'll use their weak stuff on those patterns, but a lot of times that won't work because the ball wants to store energy and go sideways once it hits the back of the pattern. As such, these guys use their more aggressive stuff so that the ball spends some of its energy and comes off the back of the pattern smoother. Obviously, don't take your most aggressive ball and scuff it to 360 grit in order to do this! Just try balling up to something a bit stronger, and see if that helps. If it does, great. If it doesn't, the suggestions the previous posters made are possibilities as well.