I still pull the old balls out and throw them from time to time.
Most of my stuff is older stuff and my experience is that the youth bowlers are spoiled and only want to throw current equipment.
For the used stuff that I've bought, my experience is that most people don't want older equipment with a plugged thumb or on the 2nd drill - at least they don't want to pay for it.
As for the single drill stuff - like I said, I still throw them from time to time, and I have the space to store them. You can store 40 balls in a 2x4 foot area!
But seriously, I have sold quite a few of my balls that have been sitting. Those have been the ones that I've realized I'm not going to use.
The ones that don't sell will just sit.
For some reason I'd rather let the balls sit than to deal with ups and paypal fees, packing and shipping to make $20 on that ball that I've spent $140 (or more) just isn't worth it.
For the multi drills that I have I've just started to plug them up - it helps to refine my plugging skills! Some of them I've started using as practice balls for drilling - taking measurements of my teammate's balls and then seeing if I can duplicate the feel for them. I'll drill them up for them and if they like it they can have it - maybe just buy me lunch or some beers or whatever. If not they can give it back and I'll plug it again!
The couple that I've thrown away have proven to be good entertainment for the neighborhood kids. They'll bounce them up and down the street until they crack them open and each take a piece as a souvenir.