without any info about yourgame this is a shot in the dark. with that being said my opinion is that a IQ tour solid is a must and a standard for your benchmak ball. your first transition ball can being symetric or assymetric. ive had success with things like a totally defiant or columbia bedlam. a strong ball that gets down lane more and creates more motion downlane when you have to open up your angles. your next balls are progressively high RG/lower diff. what i do also is set up my arsenal for what i see more often then a couple condition specific balls for the couple times a year i bowl on a long pattern or short pattern or true heavy oil.
general balls to look at:
fresh: iq tour solid, disorder, hyroad solid,dude, forza,
first transition: marvel pearl/optimus/totally defiant, mastermind genius, rude dude/ hyroad (hint: theres a reason its been on the wall for 6 years)
second transition:vibe/viral- cant go wrong with this core in game 3-5, lights out, blur
burn: freezes, cyclones,
also for surface i never polish anything. take it to 4000 and let the lane shine it. much more predicatable