To Gendou Ikari -
First a general statement, just about every bowler should have their grip checked from once to twice a year. If you bowl a lot, perhaps more often.
Several factors can mandate a change in grip.
You can bowl a lot better if the ball feels like an extension of your body.
You might couple a grip check with dental cleanings for example, e.g. when you get your reminder from the dentist, make a trip to the pro shop around that time, that's a way to have and ersatz schedule.
You might also want to change the types of finger inserts you are using, if you use them, or try them if you don't (on an old ball in practice sessions)
There are articles on the bowler's grip at and
www.bowl4fun.comHere's an old bowler's trick, this was for sweaty hand's but I imagine this can help the fingers too. Before your step up to bowl, take a dry towel and pull it through a circle you can make with your fingers and your thumb, a nice canon towel or other absorbent towel (not a towel you use to wipe lane oil off the ball ;o) ) You might try the same action with a rosin bag.
Sometimes you have to watch how much rosin you use and only use it when you need it and not out of habit or you might wind up with the reverse problem.
There are tapes that one can put on the fingers etc but this would not help you, it would only increase the perspiration.
Some bowlers actually carry those small battery powered fans!
You might also check the amount of time that you spend with your fingers in the ball. Too much time in the stance can be a negative for many reasons and this is one of them.
Also, what you eat and drink will affect perspiration rates, pay attention to what you are eating and drinking.
If you wear a bowling glove, take it off between your turns bowling.
At any rate those are a few thoughts.
Hope this helps.
Take care, John in Glendale Az.