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Author Topic: Advice / Tips for Bowling?  (Read 8959 times)


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Advice / Tips for Bowling?
« on: June 10, 2016, 08:00:50 PM »
I am on the junior varsity bowling team at my school and I am not very good at bowling and never got put in any of the games, so I would like advice or tips to bowl better if possible.
I used to bowl with a 9 pound bowling ball, but my grandmother just got me a bowling ball for my birthday, my coach said if we were to get our own bowling ball it would have to be at least 10 pounds so my grandma got me a 10 pound bowling ball and I used it for the first time last week after I got it and the highest score I got was an 84.
I was never that good with the 9 pound bowling ball either though, but the highest score I ever got was maybe a 113.
Please just comment any tips or advice for me.



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Re: Advice / Tips for Bowling?
« Reply #16 on: June 21, 2016, 06:25:31 PM »
Again, join a junior bowling league if it's available, and I don't know about where you are at, but here, we have summer sessions going on until the Winter Season starts.  There, you can bowl every week and get FREE COACHING. 

Looking at the video, first, take your time.  It looks like you are grabbing your ball off the ball return, walking to a spot, and rushing to throw it.  Set up your feet.  Are you standing in a certain place or just standing anywhere?  I can't tell, but it doesn't look like you look down at the boards at your feet in the set-up.  Look at your target, focus on it.  Are your shoulders and hips aligned?  It all starts at your set-up.

What are you targeting?  For beginners, it's easier to pick a spot at the arrows.  Are you hitting your target or close to it?  If you're not sure, then watch your ball.  Don't expect instant improvement, but practice, practice, practice. 

You can also ask your teammates, especially the better ones, and ask them to practice with you and ask them for help if the school coach is not going to help you, especially over the summer break.   8)


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Re: Advice / Tips for Bowling?
« Reply #17 on: June 21, 2016, 10:39:59 PM »

another thing I've also noticed, Hannah, after watching part of your clip. While it can be normal for someone to start their approach so quickly after getting set, I have to wonder..

What target are you looking at? Obviously, it is hard to see that as we are seeing your bowling from behind you, but I'm wondering what target you are trying to hit or aim at when you are delivering your ball. I know that others will chime in here as well, but keeping your ball in play and being consistent about it is something that everyone works on throughout their bowling career. This would mean finding a target on the lane, and trying to hit that target every time.

Another thing to check into is a consistent rhythm in your form, relative to your feet, and balance throughout your approach. For that, with today's lady pros, I'd look at clips of Stefanie Johnson. Watch clips of her, especially her footwork, form throughout her approach, and how balanced she is at the foul line. She, followed by Danielle McEwan, currently best match your form, in a basic 4-step delivery. This will definitely take some coaching, but the sooner you can get your balance and form down as well as hitting your target on the lane, your scores will also go up. Not knowing your age (If you're talking Varsity and JV, I'm also assuming high school), a 9 pound ball may be too light for you. Again, talk to your coach on that and see if you may need something heavier, and work your way up to that.


I usually aim for the middle arrow or one to the left of it or in between. I am 17 years old. Also, I am going to a bowling camp this weekend and on the paper to sign up, it said that they would help to make sure our bowling balls are the righ fit.


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Re: Advice / Tips for Bowling?
« Reply #18 on: June 22, 2016, 01:43:43 PM »

I usually aim for the middle arrow or one to the left of it or in between.

Good. You're looking at a target on the lane instead of only at the pins. It is the target on the lane, when your ball comes off right, that gets your ball into a roll. Yes, there is a lot more going on than just that, but as long as you're looking at a target instead of just going straight for the pins, you're on your way.

I am 17 years old. Also, I am going to a bowling camp this weekend and on the paper to sign up, it said that they would help to make sure our bowling balls are the righ fit.

Glad to see that you're going to this camp. While we all know that you are already at this level, I'll just say it again just for affirmation: Be open to the suggestions the coaches give you. If they are doing their job (and to be honest, if they are USBC Certified, you should be able to check their credentials at, they should be able to dissect your game to its minute levels, and help you to build it up to where you can be competitive. But it will all start with you and going into the camp with an open mind. But also with that, you'll need to tell them what you want your end result to be. If you want to be as competitive as your Varsity team, tell them that, so they'll know how much they should help you and what you need to work on.

At 17, they may say that a 9-pound ball is definitely too light, and give you recommendations on what you should have. They may even have something for you to try while you're there. If not and they do recommend a heavier ball, ask them which ones you should go for, type of grip (conventional, fingertip, etc.) and take that info to your local pro shop. With that info, you'll know what to get and get it fit for you.

There's plenty to go off of here, and I know the info may be overwhelming, but it will definitely pay off in the end, especially if you are wanting to do this (which you are).

Keep us up to date on how you're doing!



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Re: Advice / Tips for Bowling?
« Reply #19 on: June 22, 2016, 05:01:43 PM »

I usually aim for the middle arrow or one to the left of it or in between.

Good. You're looking at a target on the lane instead of only at the pins. It is the target on the lane, when your ball comes off right, that gets your ball into a roll. Yes, there is a lot more going on than just that, but as long as you're looking at a target instead of just going straight for the pins, you're on your way.

I am 17 years old. Also, I am going to a bowling camp this weekend and on the paper to sign up, it said that they would help to make sure our bowling balls are the righ fit.

Glad to see that you're going to this camp. While we all know that you are already at this level, I'll just say it again just for affirmation: Be open to the suggestions the coaches give you. If they are doing their job (and to be honest, if they are USBC Certified, you should be able to check their credentials at, they should be able to dissect your game to its minute levels, and help you to build it up to where you can be competitive. But it will all start with you and going into the camp with an open mind. But also with that, you'll need to tell them what you want your end result to be. If you want to be as competitive as your Varsity team, tell them that, so they'll know how much they should help you and what you need to work on.

At 17, they may say that a 9-pound ball is definitely too light, and give you recommendations on what you should have. They may even have something for you to try while you're there. If not and they do recommend a heavier ball, ask them which ones you should go for, type of grip (conventional, fingertip, etc.) and take that info to your local pro shop. With that info, you'll know what to get and get it fit for you.

There's plenty to go off of here, and I know the info may be overwhelming, but it will definitely pay off in the end, especially if you are wanting to do this (which you are).

Keep us up to date on how you're doing!


I agree. I only hope that the 10 pound ball my grandmother bought me for my birthday is the right fit for me and is the weight I need, considering my grandmother just bought me the ball and I would hate to get a new one. However, the pro bowling shop I purchased my bowling ball and everything happens to be in the bowling alley that we going to for bowling camp. But I don't think I would buy a new one so soon.