I was 5 years old, the youngest kid bowling in the saturday morning YABA league and all of my other teammates were either 8,9 or 10 years old. I was averaging 109 and reprsententing my house, Fairlanes of Grandville in the Michigan State YABA Coca-Cola Tournament.
I was put in the YABA league quite young, because the Jr. bowling coach of the YABA league saw me bowling in the bumper bowling league at age 4, and said I had a rare talent. He told my parents I was the only kid around my age actually putting my thumb and fingers in the house ball and taking some assemblence of an approach where as all the other kids seemed to be granny bowling at the foul line. Blast, that bowling coach, now bowling is like a drug addiction, and I've been sucked in for the last 21 years, but hey at least I can bowl somewhat decent now, plenty of 300 games, a few 800's, and even a sanctioned 299 on the Viper, one 290 on the Scorpion and two 290's on the shark in tournament competition.
Matt (The former chink of collegebowling)