A little history...
About 3 months ago I decided to start working out to lose some of this weight I have put on. My slide knee was bothering me a little so I figured with the loss of some weight, it would take some strain off my knee and wouldn't hurt as much. A few weeks into the weight-loss my knee began bothering me more. (I have had orthoscopic surgery on this knee over 20 years ago). Went in to see the Orthopedic Dr. He gave me a shot of cortisone. I let it rest for a bit (about a week) then started working out again. Knee was feeling pretty good. I lost about 20lbs. All of the sudden my knee has been hurting worse. Can't go in to get another shot because its too soon. It is affecting my bowling. Even normal walking it hurts. At this point, I'm only about 15lbs over weight.
I guess my question is what can I do to ease the pain? Even riding a stationary bike puts strain on it and makes it hurt or it feels like its binding. I have a knee brace for when I bowl. I wonder if I should ice it down daily? What else could i do to help my knee out?