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Author Topic: After 28 years it is time to call it quits  (Read 7092 times)


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After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« on: February 05, 2006, 02:38:41 PM »
Come June I will have completed my 28th Winter season and 27 Summer seasons.  I never really thought I would be saying this...but it is time to give up this sport.

Last Feb, I started working with a certified coach.  In the year since, we have fixed many problems, only toreveal additional problems.  Now it is to a point I have no clue how to fix this current one.  Our last session revealed I come out of the ball, fingers and thumb almost together, causing my ball to spin and not read the lane properly.  I have tried working on the release, but now the reaction is even worse.

Hitting a 150 is a good game.  I have no clue how to come out of the ball, adjust, and basically hate going to league.  It is just no fun any more, so come the end of this season, barring some miracle, it is farewell to bowling.  North Carolina may well be the last time I roll a ball down the lanes.
"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean

Edited on 2/14/2006 1:51 AM

Edited on 2/15/2006 2:51 AM
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2006, 10:50:59 PM »
TP - don't say never. Take some time off, relax, do some other stuff - you can always come back!
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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2006, 11:01:22 PM »
I had a friend of mine back home, who had  bowled for about 20 years, and he felt he needed a change.  He decided to try softball, which was his second sport, and he did that for 5 years.

After the 5 years of doing softball, he realized that bowling was his enjoyment, his pride and everything that he ever dreamed of doing.  His starting missing his trips to nationals, his trips with the 'boys', city tournaments and state tournaments, the little tournaments in small towns and the High Roller in Vegas.  

Take time off and enjoy something else that you've wanted to try.  You'll find out if you want to call it quits.  Just in the last two years I haven't bowled in a tournament, and I am really missing it.


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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2006, 11:09:26 PM »
Get another coach!

You should also "pow wow" with a coach and driller to adjust your pitches...especially your thumb pitch.  Its possible that you have some totally inappropriate pitches for how you are trying to deliver the ball now.  If you are coming out of the ball with too much thumb, then there's pitch changes that can help that.  You may even have a bad lay out for your style...I dunno.  

Also I would suggest you get "Focused For Bowling" by Dr. Dean Hinitz.  Its all about the mental game of bowling rather then the phsycial.  I'm not saying you have a mental problem with the game. Rather Dr. Dean also spends considerable time dealing with burn out and how to get out of it.  

You don't mention how old you are.  But if you are in a stage where you may need to drop to 14lbs in order to have more wrist control.  I'm not saying you cannot throw 15.  But to gain wrist control you may have to drop to 14.  You also don't say what your ball speed is.  A drop in ball weight may also pick up on that too.  Especially if you are under 14-15mph.  

Your profile says you are at 150.  And you may just be in a slump.  Which Dr. Dean's book also covers in much depth.  Slump Busting.  I'd say you need another coach.  And you don't say how many days you practise.  That's besides league and the actually lesson.  At 150, there's a lot of improvement to be made in technique and targetting.  You need to pick up spares.  If you pick up all your spares you are in the 180 to 190 range easy. So there may also be an issue with your spare system.  If you are burnt out, then picking up spares can become a problem due to just lack of attention.  Again Focused For Bowling can give you some tips on how to get out of that mind set.  

I was in a slump for nearly 3 years.  I had some family issues that, now as an after thought, really got to me.  But, I still practised.  And most times those practise sessions I felt like a 4th grader made to do home work.  But I did it.  I made myself do it, because I knew that if I didn't it was really going to get worse.  I mean I was so far down, I had bowling nightmares several times a week while I slept.  There were times when I arrived for league and just didn't ever put my shoes on.  Walked right out.  Just couldn't face bowling.  But with perseverance, dedication and just sheer GUTs you can get through this.  But its going to take work.  A lot of work.  Its going to take a lot of pro active work on your part to seek the help you need and do the homework you need to do.  

Now you can quit and say goodbye to the sport.  That's fine.  You'll undoubtedly find something else to take up your enthusiasm and time.  But if you love the'll give my post some serious consideration.  

p.s. you can private message me if you want to take this more private. I'm not that hard to find and I'm online often.


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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2006, 11:36:53 PM »
you quiter


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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2006, 11:53:43 PM »
you quiter

How inconsiderate!! We have a person here thats already down on their luck with a slump and all you can say is "you quitter"? Have some respect for the people around here.

I myself is also in a slump and I know exactly how she feels. I would like to wish her the best of luck on what ever she might decide to do. Whether it be quitting for good or toughing it out. If you quit for good, i wish you the best of luck on what ever you do to take bowlings place. If you stick it out, good luck, be tough and have a positive mind. Things can/will/always get better with hard work and dedication.

Good Luck to you!
Mike Zadler
NE Lake County IL
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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2006, 11:59:09 PM »
Get another coach TP!!

This guy is trying to do too much at once. Stay in at least one fun handicap league. WE NEED YOU


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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2006, 12:27:36 AM »
I would advise you not to quit, because I've been exactly where you are and worked through it.

From the time I started throwing a hook, I started developing bad habits. Then, I had the misfortune of working with a coach who was nice, but who taught outdated methods for hooking a bowling ball (especially as it related to grip, span, etc.).

I reached a certain ability level in 1999, and couldn't get over the hump. I was fine on my caked-up league shot, but as soon as I went out of town, boom.

In 2003, I started working with a new coach, basically out of desperation. His first question was, "How bad do you want to get better?" I told him I'd do just about anything at that point. So he proceeded to completely rebuild my game from the ground up.

I'm not talking little things. Here's just a partial list of what I changed: Starting point on the approach, target, walking speed, hand position, ball drilling, wrist brace type and position, ball speed, hand position at push-away, shoulder and neck position at release, torso launch angle. I'm sure there are others, but I forget.

What happened is my average almost immediately dropped 20 pins, then came back up 30 pins over the course of the next six months. When I first started, I wanted to hit him. I had to relearn spare shooting completely. In the two years since, my average went up another 20 pins, meaning I'm up about 30 from when I changed coaches. I have more revs on the ball, I'm more consistent by a factor of probably twenty, and I'm much more able to walk into an unfamiliar house and score.

It was a tough, long road, full of exasperating times, and it took me a full year to get confident again in what I was doing. Now I wouldn't trade that year in purgatory for anything.



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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2006, 01:22:43 AM »

I can't believe I'm reading this!

I know that it's no fun when one is in a prolonged slump, but take just the summer off and see how you feel in September.

As many of the others have written, change coaches.


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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2006, 07:31:28 AM »
Bowl righty for awhile.

Often times by training the inferior side we force our brain to rethink about what we are doing and this can correct our strong side.  It works as a mechanism to rest the circuit breakers if you will.

This may sound weird but when working with patients who have lost a limb and develop phantom pain of the missing limb.  Working on the opposite limb often reduces the phantom pain.  Retraining one's mechanics can often be changed by practicing on the opposite side.
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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2006, 07:31:45 AM »
I think the slump must be everywhere, if what I seem to see is true.  I'm in one, too, a 35 pin dip from "normal."  I feel like I'm letting my team down when I show up, that they'd do better with my absent score. And of course, everybody's got a different opinion on what I'm doing wrong.  I'm just trying to bowl through it.
the 3 is silent


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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2006, 07:47:52 AM »

Bowling with you was always so much fun.  It was great to see how much you laughed and smiled while bowling.  Also the many friends that you have found through our sport.  I would hate to see you quit bowling and give up the others parts of bowling that is not throwing the ball.

I almost quit bowling for the love of motorcycles though I always stayed in one league.  I know there were times you were bowling 5 leagues a week or better.  Maybe some time off is what we all need when we don't feel our game is going the way it should and get frustrated.  I know you have the talent but also having a coach can negatively effect your game even if he is a great coach.  You start thinking too much working on too many different areas, like someone already mentioned, and nothing comes together.  Revamping your whole game is going to cause your game to slide, but if its in the right direction will you come out of your slump.  

Someone also mentioned checking and changing the span/pitches in your bowling balls.  I know that changing the finger pitches left or right can effect how high or low you track is a touch.  same as the thumb pitch.  Not a lot of change but it does make a difference.

I know you are very competitive and hopefully you only decide to take a summer off, but I hope we don't lose you to the game we all love so much including you. Stay with the league you like and dump the other league.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2006, 07:52:08 AM »
This is why I never bowl a summer league.  Labor Day thru April is way long enough.  We all need a rest or it becomes work.  

Princess hope you will reaccess your situation later this year.



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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2006, 10:15:37 AM »
Take what I've learned from golf...

In rebuilding your game, you will get worse (sometimes much worse) before you get better (better than you used to be).  It takes time, hang with it.
That which doesn't kill you will only make you stronger, that which doesn't make you stronger is a waste of time!

Rick Wunder

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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2006, 10:42:29 AM »
I have sent you a PM.