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Author Topic: After 28 years it is time to call it quits  (Read 7093 times)


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After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« on: February 05, 2006, 02:38:41 PM »
Come June I will have completed my 28th Winter season and 27 Summer seasons.  I never really thought I would be saying this...but it is time to give up this sport.

Last Feb, I started working with a certified coach.  In the year since, we have fixed many problems, only toreveal additional problems.  Now it is to a point I have no clue how to fix this current one.  Our last session revealed I come out of the ball, fingers and thumb almost together, causing my ball to spin and not read the lane properly.  I have tried working on the release, but now the reaction is even worse.

Hitting a 150 is a good game.  I have no clue how to come out of the ball, adjust, and basically hate going to league.  It is just no fun any more, so come the end of this season, barring some miracle, it is farewell to bowling.  North Carolina may well be the last time I roll a ball down the lanes.
"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean

Edited on 2/14/2006 1:51 AM

Edited on 2/15/2006 2:51 AM
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #31 on: February 07, 2006, 10:53:45 AM »
Hey...My friends get a big kick out of what they consider my obsession...interest in the things I do.

I'm a fun lovin guy as you know!

I keep fresh and enthused about a lot of things.

Anything can feel like a job!  Don't let it throw too nice to quit.

Here are some of my rules for fun!

1. Never go bowl more than two days in a row if you can avoid it(you'd like to go more but this deprivation makes you miss it).  Also builds bowling muscles.

2. End all practice sessions before you really want to!  More deprivation.
Jack Nicklaus used to say when he had accomplished certain goals hitting...he would stop ...often leaving a pile of balls unhit.(he wanted to hit more but he had achieved his goals and made himself leave).

3.  NEVER use the words ..."work"..."have to"  Instead say...I'm goingto go "Have my game"..."Play at my game" etc.

A sample schedule that I used when I was becoming something...was usually a practice session Sunday or tourney.  or Tourney and practice Sun....League tuesday (easy shot)  Maybe a league Thursday(hard shot) and lesson after.

A few days off of deprivation.  Every once in a while a two days on I would allow myself but in general....deprivation from something you enjoy is so compelling a reason to want to do something!  

You'll unstale...improve and reenjoy the sport you love!


PS remember Tiger Woods dad frequently when asked if he would take Tiger golfing would say......"maybe"  ..."we'll made him so hungry!"

Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #32 on: February 07, 2006, 04:58:49 PM »
Last Feb, I started working with a certified coach. In the year since, we have fixed many problems, only toreveal additional problems.

Ah, such is the road to constant improvement.  Anyone who has worked with a coah or strived to take one's game to the next level, then the next level, has experienced this.  Those who succeed are those who have overcome failures.  I have heard it said that true champions are those who made the most of defeat, not victory.

It is just no fun any more

Improving your game is often hard work.  The more you try to change at once, the harder the work.  It's passion, inpsiration, and want that drives us to work hard.  If you're losing those, it is difficult to keep working so hard.

Why not take a break instead of giving up?  Find the inspiration you need and let the flames of passion rekindle.

Perhaps a change of perspective, radical as needed.  It sounds to me that your slump is more mental than physical.  Have you caught any of Dean Hinitz articles in BTM over the last couple of months?
J.J. "Waterola Kid" Anderson, the bLowling King  : Kill the back row

Edited on 2/7/2006 5:47 PM


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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #33 on: February 07, 2006, 09:07:58 PM »
Thong your killing yourself bowling that many leagues. Cut down on some of the leagues and focus on practice. When practicing work on your flaws not scoring.


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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #34 on: February 07, 2006, 09:10:38 PM »

I think Erin's advice (re the sport shot) is excellent.  Just watching Nick struggle through Junior Gold last summer was sheer torture, so I can just imagine how he must have felt.  And that was for only 18 games!  It took him a while to regain his confidence.  He also felt like just giving it all up.

RIP Thong Princess and Sawbones


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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #35 on: February 07, 2006, 09:32:46 PM »
I'm sorry but that' s poor exuse for quiting cause your in a slump. Dump your coach, get in your car and hit the lanes lady. If you were a guy I'd say my infamous saying "grow a pair". When the tough gets going, you burn in hell with it. Lack of effort and willpower should never be in one's brain. Why quit after putting so much into it. Your going to let some overated coach that probaly doesn't know what he's talking about tell you your doing it all wrong? Who ever said coaches, freakin Ron Clifton or any of these people are your guiding light? Do what feels right I guess. I aplogize for my unrelentless hot sports opinion.

Magic Carpet

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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #36 on: February 07, 2006, 11:09:34 PM »
WOW TP I have been too busy to hit he board in a few days and I see you post this. We need to get to work and put that clinic together for your area and get you back on track.

Hang in there,
Ron Clifton


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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #37 on: February 07, 2006, 11:14:51 PM »
I'm sorry but that' s poor exuse for quiting cause your in a slump. Dump your coach, get in your car and hit the lanes lady. If you were a guy I'd say my infamous saying "grow a pair". When the tough gets going, you burn in hell with it. Lack of effort and willpower should never be in one's brain. Why quit after putting so much into it. Your going to let some overated coach that probaly doesn't know what he's talking about tell you your doing it all wrong? Who ever said coaches, freakin Ron Clifton or any of these people are your guiding light? Do what feels right I guess. I aplogize for my unrelentless hot sports opinion.

Can you say complete douchebag?  I can!!!

Brian you belong in JeffRevs Fry-Day douchebag post.  You are the biggest BR idiot I've heard in a long time!




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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #38 on: February 07, 2006, 11:52:45 PM »
With technology moving like it is, and referring to its impact on our game.  If you wait 5 years, you're going to to relearn a new game AGAIN.  

I'm tellin ya, its the dang Sports League.  It will burn the "you know what's" off the biggest man.  Now some Sport conditions are not as brutal as others.  Sound familiar as in....not all house shots are as easy as others?   There is no honor attached to having a Sports League card.  It has to all lay in your own heart and soul.  If you feel its the best for you to improve then fine.  But I have not yet seen anyone benefit from a Sport League that wasn't already up to PBA Regional status.  

For the youngsters getting into the high scoring pace of the game...they need to get a taste of what's out there in the ultra competative world.   But we have Jrs averaging over 210 regularly now. Technology and coaching has a ready made program to groom these kids from 10 years of age to be master slammers.  So, IMO, they need to see the conditions that exist outside their comfort zone.

But what do we do with all the other people who have stuck with the sport for decades?  We need to teach them how to improve and continue with the upgraded technology that grows by the month. Give them access to coaches and clinics that will lead them into improvement.  The Sport League just doesn't do that.  Its not its purpose.  Its not at full "teaching tool".  You will not learn technique and accuracy from a Sport League.  You WILL learn what areas in your game you need to work on.  Whether they be mental or physical.  But, IMO, you don't need to be shown that for 32 weeks.  Heck, if you get the point quickly enough you don't need to be shown that for 3 weeks.  As long as you take something away from it that helps your overall game.  And now that's tough, because you've been beaten down so far.  

Now taking the next summer off from leagues, getting consistent weekly lessons and practising.  That would be beneficial.  



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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #39 on: February 07, 2006, 11:58:20 PM »
With all due respects MagicCarpet/Ron....she sounds like she's past the clinic stage.  If you are her coach, you need to get the defibulator paddles and start a new heart beat.  


Doc Hollywood

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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #40 on: February 08, 2006, 07:23:56 AM »
Maybe video tape yourself and send it to Ron and have him look at it.
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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #41 on: February 08, 2006, 07:42:58 AM »
Sorry to hear youre struggling so much.
I know from past times that its really a chore bowling over half the week when you feel that you dont want to be there.
The fun seems gone and and no end to the way you feel is in sight.
I really think you should look at it as my old coach told me to.
Take each league as practice. Dont get bogged down with how you "should" bowl. Get your hand in the right position and start at the back of the lane and start walking. Small steps and just put the ball into motion when it wants to start. Dont think of anything else. Just feel what is happening. Height of ball etc. Dont get bogged down with mechanics, just relax and if you shoot bad dont worry about it. I'll bet you begin to flow again, I know I did.
Also Doc Hollywoods advice is very sound about sending Ron a tape as fresh eyes always help.
My best advice though is to try to relax and just let things flow. You know how to bowl, its in there somewhere you just have to let it find a way out.
Happy go lucky bowler from the UK.
   Did someone say tough luck
 Want to learn to read lanes then visit:-
Happy go lucky bowler from the UK.
Specs. 430rpm,18mph off hand. 11-12deg Tilt, 50-60 deg Rotation. PAP 5 1/4 by 3/4 up.
Mo Pinel. The Guru.
Larry Matthews “The Bowling Professor”
Thong Princess.
Thanks for the FUN times.


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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #42 on: February 08, 2006, 08:22:33 AM »
Thank you again for all the advice and support.  I am going to try to get some subs lined up for the next few weeks.  

I started classes last night and, while in the past it was no problem mixing school, work, and bowling, I don't think I am ready for it this time.  Maybe a few weeks away from leagues will help get that new perspective and bring back the passion for the sport.

Some one said, "you really don't want to quit or you wouldn't have posted"  deep down I don't, but it is just getting to be too much like a bad job.  Time off and maybe it will be that job I love to go to every week.  As for the number of leagues I'm bowling, it is down from the last 3 years  I was bowling 4/week in the winter and 4-5 in the summer.

I know you are going to think I'm really weird, but until the last 2 weeks my sport league was the most fun.  Unfortunately that has even become the horrid job.

I'll also be reading and rereading all the other advice and see where I can go from here.  I've been also pulling old issues of BTM to reread.  Thank you so much, you guys and gals are the best.
"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

I am a proud member of and  Bowling forums


John D Davis

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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #43 on: February 08, 2006, 08:26:22 AM »
hell if all else fells try bowling left handed dont quit...


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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #44 on: February 08, 2006, 09:08:16 AM »
TP your a douche for saying that.  Practice practice practice, and stop being gay and stupid
Weiners Pro Shop- LaCrosse, Wisconsin
No Holes is too Big, or too Small, Wel'll Plug them all!

Now THERE is some sound advice!!  Please James, think before you post OK !?


What didnt' make sense to me is this.......if your ball is properly fitted, there should be NO WAY you're coming out of our ball fingers/thumb at the same time.  Double and triple check fit etc,etc.....that just doesn't make sense.

Take a little time off....then get back at'll happen!
"...nowhere is the dreamer, or the misfit so alone...."


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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #45 on: February 08, 2006, 09:22:18 AM »
If you do not have a strong follow through you will throw the ball off your fingers and thumb.  Short Shooting it we call it.  You go through the motions and abbreviate the follow through.  Stopping about at your waist or lower.  Its also something we see when you are trying to be ultra careful and place the ball.  