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Author Topic: After 28 years it is time to call it quits  (Read 7095 times)


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After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« on: February 05, 2006, 02:38:41 PM »
Come June I will have completed my 28th Winter season and 27 Summer seasons.  I never really thought I would be saying this...but it is time to give up this sport.

Last Feb, I started working with a certified coach.  In the year since, we have fixed many problems, only toreveal additional problems.  Now it is to a point I have no clue how to fix this current one.  Our last session revealed I come out of the ball, fingers and thumb almost together, causing my ball to spin and not read the lane properly.  I have tried working on the release, but now the reaction is even worse.

Hitting a 150 is a good game.  I have no clue how to come out of the ball, adjust, and basically hate going to league.  It is just no fun any more, so come the end of this season, barring some miracle, it is farewell to bowling.  North Carolina may well be the last time I roll a ball down the lanes.
"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean

Edited on 2/14/2006 1:51 AM

Edited on 2/15/2006 2:51 AM
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #46 on: February 08, 2006, 06:47:25 PM »

You may have something there, especially the too careful.  I feel like I am following through like always, but I am also not sure of the release.  Some of my recent better games were when I just walked up to the line and felt like I was dropping the ball, turned and walked away.  

Many of you said it may be too much too quickly, probably a contributing factor.  Too much thinking due to the many changes and not really solidifying any before attempting the next one.

I am also going to have my new pro shop guy check all my equipment and remeasure my span.  It may be a dumb question, but more forward or reverse pitch to look at as a problem in checking the thumb pitches?  Should I also have finger pitches checked?  If so, what should I have him check for?  As you can tell, I have always left drilling, etc up to my coach/ball driller.  Current coach is not a pro shop guy.

If I can find a cure, then in the words of the Govenator "I'll be back!"  I do plan to take the summer off in any case.  I paln to travel across the country and get some "me" time.

I am feeling more hopeful now, that maybe it isn't over yet.  To those of you who offered sound advice and suggestions, or simply encouragement...thank you.  To the few of you who offered nothing are among the few, elite members of my ignore list
"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #47 on: February 08, 2006, 07:16:47 PM »
TP your a douche for saying that.  Practice practice practice, and stop being gay and stupid
Weiners Pro Shop- LaCrosse, Wisconsin
No Holes is too Big, or too Small, Wel'll Plug them all!

In more words or less, I agree with you. There is too many wusses on this board that feel sympathetic. It's pathetic.


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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #48 on: February 09, 2006, 05:55:51 AM »
TP your a douche for saying that.  Practice practice practice, and stop being gay and stupid
Weiners Pro Shop- LaCrosse, Wisconsin
No Holes is too Big, or too Small, Wel'll Plug them all!

In more words or less, I agree with you. There is too many wusses on this board that feel sympathetic. It's pathetic.

some great advice guys....way to go you two [rolleyes!]
"...nowhere is the dreamer, or the misfit so alone...."


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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #49 on: February 09, 2006, 07:48:09 AM »

A good pro shop operator will be able to answer your questions.  But maybe go seek the help of a couple of local pro shop operators that are highly recommended and seek their advice.

Pitches effect your release but someitmes picth chnages seem to hard to overcome.  Not everyone believes in changing pitches if the ball feels good.  Left and right pitch changes can effect your track higher or lower.  I can't remember which way raises the track.  Also thumb pitch can effect your track and coming around the ball too much.

If you messaged T-GOD I know he has a great clue on this subject as well as a lot of other posters on Ballreviews.  But I recommend going to see someone that doesn't drill your bowling balls.  That operator might be a little defensive.  I had that problem with my ball driller for awhile. he only did things his way and he was old school.  i started getting my bowling balls drilled somewhere else and then brought the ball to him to put the exacacator thumb slug in.  Now he drills the bowling balls the way I want unless I ask for a recommendation.  I know it sounds bad, but he does not keep up on bowling balls and doesn't know one from another so far a cover, weight block etc.  But he drills the ball to perfection.

Good luck.  Just throw the ball, don't finese it.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #50 on: February 09, 2006, 08:37:15 AM »
This is why in my very first post, I suggested a "pow wow" with your coach and driller.  You said you'd been working with a coach.  So that lead me to believe that there's someone nearby that you've been working with on a regular basis.  I hope its not just a couple group clinics you've gone to, because that's not anything like getting one on one coaching.  If you are not engaged in one on one coaching on a regular basis then I highly recommend that now.  Besides the obvious advantages of coaching, a good coach motivates and insipres their students to work towards getting better and needed changes.  

If you feel like you are dropping the ball, you may need more forward pitch in your thumb.  If you feel like the ball is hanging on your thumb, reverse.  But that's just the tip of the iceberg.  All this changes when you knuckle the ball and squeeze.  Besides various callouses and abrasions, it makes it really difficult to get a good fit on your thumb hole.  If you have a very flat short thumb, you may need more forward pitch anyway.  If you have normally damp hands then you may need more reverse.  But if your thumb is fairly normal and somewhat oval (like most) then standard pitches should work as long as you do not knuckle the ball and have an oval hole instead of round.  Round thumb holes with an oval thumb make you knuckle because there's air gaps at the back or front to allow for the width of the oval thumb....the result is more knuckling to hold on.  I don't know of any elevated women that do NOT use grip tape.  If you do not know how, yet, to use grip tape that too may help.  Women have swelling issues on a month to month basis that effect the fit of your equipment and our clothes....right?  Being very intune with your thumb hole fit is a must.  

But one of the symptoms I saw during the Sport League was that I got ultra careful placing my shot.  Everyone tells you, you have to, right??  And you do, but then you take it to the extreme and everything starts feeling like pieces in a puzzle only they are all the same color.  They are then much harder to put together.  Plus you may have developed just a couple really bad habits that once spotted and taken care of will let all the rest of your pieces fall back in place.  Also since you bowl in so many leagues, I would imagine that you have asked for or just gotten a lot of advise about this and that.  If so, that's also cluttering your brain.  



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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #51 on: February 09, 2006, 07:00:44 PM »
i too am and have been in a slump for over a year now seems like nothing i do works .I had thought about quitting ,but the other side of me doesnt want to be a "quitter", not saying u are ,but alot of getting better is being around the right people in the right atmosphere, a more experienced bowler gave me a tip a couple of weeks ago .He gave me a few tips ,but there was one inperticular that seemed to bring my game back. I say this to say if u love something u work at it i.e, marriage, kids,whatever take some time off if u need to ,but if not or when u come back ,u will diversify your sources of info ,read ,ask for help from bowlers you see that seem to have there games together and practice i promise there is something that works all u need to do is find it and its there to be found.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling


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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #52 on: February 10, 2006, 09:55:52 PM »
TP, you can't quit.  I like your Internet Invitational updates too much

Hang in there, and listen to what's been posted... I think you need to have your span/pitches checked and definitely see another coach.  You know in your heart you love to bowl too much to quit.

If the "quit" bug continues to fester, then definitely take a little time off (but I'd bet a nickel you'd miss it before the first week of your hiatus ends)

White Dot
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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #53 on: February 10, 2006, 10:51:15 PM »

   You are viewing your bowling from the perspective of the glass being half empty instead of half full. Even the very top professionals have aspects of there game that need improvement or want to improve. They dont focus on those areas as much as they accept there situation and make the most of it.

   What most bowlers get confused about is practice is used for improvement by focusing on specific details and repeating them. And when the lights come on they do the exact same thing. And there in lies the problem. When the lights come on the focus should be on reacting to what is happening on the lane and reacting to that.

   Another point, how many times have you seen other bowlers doing the same thing you are doing and having success. Today's technology is forgiving and allows bowlers to score well. Look at Scroggins... certainly he is rev deprived and makes the most of that style. Dont you think he wants to hit it more? So what... right now you are spining it work on fixing it when your not trying to knock down pins for score.

   Final point..., your coach is not much of a coach if he is not saying these things and has you to a point where you want to quit the game. Find another coach, read and teach yourself, goto Kegel, ask us here, but what ever you do run (not walk) away from that coach. Not every coach is for every bowler. I guarantee you that bowling is as much about your attitude (between the ears) than it is about your physical skills and any coach worth his salt will teach you the mental side at the same time they teach you the mechanical. I believe improvements in bowling happen in stages. And maturing both mechanical and mental (knowledge/attitude) skills are required to improve to the next level. Having all the best physical skill with no head, or the best head without the skill will keep bowlers from stepping up to the next level.

    Starting looking at the glass as half full by putting the improvement in your bowling in your own hands and not in the hands of someone else. Your coach is a tool and if that tool is a negative factor its not a good tool. Take control, react to the lanes, dont focus on the negative aspects and next week you will see improvements. EVERY BOWLER can be a 200+ bowler today, I believe that.. it might be harder for some... but it is totally possible today. As soon as you take control again.. the sooner you will get there.


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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #54 on: February 13, 2006, 09:17:44 PM »
i wish i had gotten this much incouragement when i posted about quitting,but i am glad i didnt  shooting 600 again and bowling is fun .
my style, the art of bowling without bowling


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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #55 on: February 13, 2006, 11:19:32 PM »

No one wants to see anyone struggle day after day doing something they are supposed to love.  If you are in the same boat then I hope that you also have gained some perspective from the posts in this thread.  Buy Focused For Bowling by Dr. Dean Hintz and get a weekly or bi weekly coach to get your game back online.  

When I was in my slump for nearly 3 years, no one felt sorry for me either.  I was still shooting over what many thought was great.  But it was all relative to what I knew my skill level could and should be.  So we all have stuggles no matter what your average is.  The thoughts supporting the posts in this thread hold true for everyone no matter how elevated your skill level.  So please take all that is offered, be a "sponge" and soak up all the information and make a pro active move to change your situation if you have not already.  

If you are doing better, maybe you can share with the thread what it was that really helped you move on from your slump.

For me, I got a different coach.  Dropped my league play to once a week.  Visited my coach at least once a month (at $65/hr) and put in 4 days a week practise.  I never practised with the score on.  I took written notes.  And I let myself go with whatever my coach wanted me to do at the time.  



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Re: After 28 years it is time to call it quits
« Reply #56 on: February 15, 2006, 02:05:43 AM »

Saturday I met a long time bowling friend for some practice.  I shared my frustration and he said he would see if he noticed anything different.  During game 1, he couldn't figure it out, but saw the ball was flat...not what he was used to seeing from me.  About half way through game 2 he described what he was seeing in my backswing and release.  I was opening up and turning the wrist in the backswing.  At release my wrist looked flat and too much behind the ball with no turn.  This gave me something to work on.  

By the 3rd game, the ball was rolling much better and my backswing was improved.  I tried 5 different balls and was able to hit the pocket with each one, making adjustmens as needed.  While the scores were not important, the last 4 games were in the 178 - 198 range and most spares were converted.

Sunday league, while nothing outstanding was better than in the last 3-4 weeks.  Game 1 I had too many washouts and missed spares 147.  Each game got a little better 159-171=477.

Monday night, Sport League was back to before my last coaching session.  I struggled game 1, 126.  Game 2 a little better 151.  We moved lanes 207-169.  So with my 156 average, I had a 653.

I am taking 2 weeks off from my Wednesday league.  All the advice and encouragement has helped.  I am slowly getting my head together and trying to put things in a better perspective.  Saturday was actually the first time in a long time, I had fun bowling and was able to laugh and joke around
"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean

Edited on 2/15/2006 2:53 AM
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

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