Thanks possum, I'll take all the input I can get.
Yeah Nick, that's the direction I lean . . but at the same time part of being smart or having strategy is knowing how to "trick" your body into relaxing, focusing, etc. That's a totally new can of worms, is strategy cheap? My physical problems are significantly impacting my physical abilities, but I'm so good at laneplay and adjusting that its keeping my head above water. Last night I threw some really good shots, but I threw several horrific shots, but because I knew how to "abuse" the pattern, I shot 740, winning all my personal points over the other bowler who I have to say threw it better overall than I did, and I've had several nights like that this year. Fingers are dead, can't get any lift on the ball, but because I can play the lanes right, I'm succeeding. It feels cheap, and it's almost embarassing, but I feel like I have to give myself a bit of credit . .
But back to the point, I used to bowl better when I drank. I could still bowl well when I didn't, but not as good as I could when I did. Now that's strategically using something I know will cause me to relax. I don't DEPEND on it, and have been working over the last couple years to be able to bowl as well sober as with a couple drink buzz, and have been successful. A couple drinks are still relaxing though, and if nothing else my mental focus is improved. Am I better for "weaning" myself off alcohol? I'd have to say so, I think the fewer rituals or routines you need to trick your body into acting right the better, but I'd say that completely avoiding anything is ignorant . .