I've asked this before, but I was thinking about writing an article about the subject, and I don't know exactly how to go about it so I wanted to get some opinions. What do you consider an aid, and what do you consider a crutch?
I would say as a general rule, an aid is something that helps you improve your performance, while a crutch is something you NEED to be able to perform. However, this is a little gray in bowling. Is a wrist brace an aid or a crutch? Is it dependant on the function? Whether it's to support your wrist because of pain or to increase strength or stability? What about drinking? Some people will drink to calm their nerves or just relax them in general, while some will take advil, ibuprofen or aleve before league to achieve the same effect, while even others have preshot routines or rituals for that purpose. Most of these people can still do well without these things, but not AS well as they could using them.
Is it even a worthwhile topic? The point of the article would be to help suggest things to people that would improve their bowling. For instance, having a preshot routine is recommended to help with several different things, as is knowing yourself and what works for you. Some guys turn on heavy metal before competing to get them amped up, other guys listen to classical to calm them down. But where do we draw the line on what's recommended or "acceptable?" I don't want to just write the same old stuff that people have been saying for years, I feel like there's a different angle or a different viewpoint, but I don't want to push it into abstract like I've been having a tendency to do lately. Opinions?