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Author Topic: Air Bubbles In Outer Core  (Read 1922 times)


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Air Bubbles In Outer Core
« on: June 02, 2003, 06:47:36 AM »
I recently switched from finger inserts to just drilling the finger holes into the ball. I throw fingertip but put my fingers in a bit more than most. It is almost a semi-fingertip grip. The edge of the inserts were causing irritation just past the first knuckle when I bowled a lot of games. Now I just bevel the heck out of the bottom of the finger holes, and that is very comfortable.
I just recently drilled up a Storm USA Gold. As many balls do these days, it has a fairly thin outer shell. My fingers go past the shell into the outer core by about a third of an inch. This outer core has many tiny air bubbles which irritate the pads of my fingertips. I fill the holes with woodputty. This fills the holes and provides a nice smooth surface, but starts to wear out after about 6 games.
Is there something I can use to fill the holes that is more permanent?
Is this a common problem?

All replies are welcomed!

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Re: Air Bubbles In Outer Core
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2003, 10:32:37 PM »
I've used thumb slugs to convert some of my old insert balls. They feel great but man are they UGLY!! I'd rather just keep using the wood putty rather than plug.

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Re: Air Bubbles In Outer Core
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2003, 11:03:05 PM »
I think Turbo makes finger slugs, there are a few sitting in our shop right now.  Don't know why the boss got them, or where they came from, but they're in there.  They're 31/32nds, the same size as most grip holes are drilled.
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Re: Air Bubbles In Outer Core
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2003, 11:11:26 PM »
Your ball driller should be able to help you out with this problem fairly easily as wood putty should never be a solution to any bowling ball I see it you have a few other options:  

1.) you could plug the existing holes with clear plug up to the top of the well just shy of the shell and then have the holes re-drilled in the same spot...if done properly with the same pitches the plug will fill the air holes and provide you with a nice smooth even surface.  

2.) you can use 31/32 finger slugs...these are hard urethane identical to thumb slugs but are a smaller diameter and designed for finger use...they are available in a variety of colors so they can be matched up to a ball much as you would match inserts if you are color conscious.  

3.) you can cut down and use either white or even black bowlers tape to give you an even surface in the may be better in this case as it is thinner, has no texture and is much smoother..I know at one time Bowlers tape was available in 1/2 size for finger use and it may still be, if you are unable to find that size you can always trim down a piece of 3/4 or 1" to fit.

    As for whether this is a common problem...I have encountered this occasionally, more often in Brunswick or Hammer equipment but most of the time the holes or pockets are deeper in the core not high enough in the shell to where it would be noticible to anyone throwing semi or fingertip.  Was this ball a blem or 2nd by chance?  Alot of times balls are labeled as blems due to surface imperfections such as air pockets perhaps that is the case here?  Without seeing the actual ball in question it would be tough to say.  Good luck!


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Re: Air Bubbles In Outer Core
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2003, 12:02:37 AM »
The ball is first quality. These bubbles are tiny. I just cut easily. I'm sure many bowlers wouldn't notice.

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