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Author Topic: Airline Experts  (Read 1606 times)


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Airline Experts
« on: November 26, 2004, 09:33:31 PM »
Now that I'm retiring I can't afford to waste time driving around the country.  Time to utilize the airlines.

Need some advice on the best roller bags to get that lets me get the most equipment and clothes on without paying those extra baggage fees.

I'm thinking a 4 ball roller that I can break down into two pieces, plus a couple of two ball totes.

You guys/gals that fly a lot, how do you manage to get everything you need onto the airlines.  I was thinking of maybe 2 of the 3 ball bollers, just put 2 balls in each and use the extra space for clothes, maybe carry a couple more on in a 2 ball tote.

Whats the best method.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

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Have Balls - Will Travel

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Re: Airline Experts
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2004, 06:18:41 AM »
Hey SrK,

I usually travel with a dbl roller, 2 ball tote and carry luggage.  It can be a little cumbersome while rolling a 4 ball and rolling luggage if you have that.  I'd recommend one of the two only to roll, either balls or luggage.  With the 2 ball tote, it's a lot easier to maneuver.  I guess the 4 ball isn't too bad (just heavy for me).  

There is one concern though, my friend just got stopped in Vegas coming home to Oakland (on Southwest) with me about having more then "one" athletic bag.  They wanted to charge him extra for that, think he had a 4 ball roller and luggage but they were considering his 4 ball bag to be "two" athletic bags.  They called Dallas or wherever and actually tried to get this approved for him to do this.  We flew from Oakland to Vegas with no problem and this is the first time I've ever heard of the "one" athletic bag rule.  Just thought I'd give you a heads up or if anyone else has had this problem.

Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Re: Airline Experts
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2004, 08:40:19 AM »
Most airlines have weight limits of 50 pounds per bag not to mention size limits (L+W+H). I have found that I cannot use 4 ball rollers but can use 3 ball rollers without incurring extra costs. So I have bought 2 x 3 ball RotoGrip travel bags (not to mention they are incredibly easy to navigate as compared to a 4 ball roller). This suffices most of my shorter travels just fine and if I am going longer I take a shoulder carry on.

On the sad side of airline travel, I have found that I cant carry some things I use alot while bowling.. a bevel knife, a knife to insert/remove tape, pull tools...etc.


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Re: Airline Experts
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2004, 12:23:43 PM »
I flew United airlines, last time to flew.  I was allowed 2 bags up to 75 pounds and 1 carry-on. I would suggest this:

1 triple roller
1 suit case with ALL clothes and personal effects
1 double tote as carryone.

That should cover any balls you need to take and clothing.



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Re: Airline Experts
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2004, 05:51:25 PM »
I check my 4 ball roller, and carry on a small suitcase. As long as I have my tools, etc. in a bag in a compartment of the bowling bag, I haven't had any problem checking them. I'd never try to carry them on. But most airlines won't let you carry on bowling balls any way - I guess they're just too dangerous!!

Word of caution - if you are ever flying into Portland, Oregon, don't bring a Roto Grenade ball. They won't allow it through on your way home.
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Re: Airline Experts
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2004, 05:54:16 PM »
Just fly southwest.

You get three bags, up to 70 lb each, and you can claim one extra bowling bag (any kind of "made for bowling ball" bag or case [you can claim a 4-ball case as a bag... but there is no insurance with these]) as a 4th bag... also up to 70 lb. This lets you be flexible with your stuff.

Southwest may be more expensive, but if you add up the excess baggage fees that you add up, it's the same and with less hassle. I'll take an extra layover or two to Florida or JFK (for JetBlue... its 70 lb per bag but still not 50 like United and USAir), if I can be flexible with my bowling equipment.

The tournaments in december, I will fly Southwest. I will bring looks like 3 cases of balls (sad, huh) and clothes.
-Jeremy Vitug

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Re: Airline Experts
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2004, 07:28:44 PM »
But most airlines won't let you carry on bowling balls any way - I guess they're just too dangerous!!

Really?!  I never knew that.....



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Re: Airline Experts
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2004, 12:50:58 AM »
I flew United airlines, last time to flew.  I was allowed 2 bags up to 75 pounds and 1 carry-on. I would suggest this:

1 triple roller
1 suit case with ALL clothes and personal effects
1 double tote as carryone.

That should cover any balls you need to take and clothing.


All airlines do not TECHNICALLY allow any bowling ball as carry-on luggage. I checked that out a while back. While you can sometimes get away with it, sometimes you can't. So you cannot depend on it.

Except when the local airport for ABC national events decides they will only allow 1 2 ball bowling bag to be checked it, all other times, airlines will allow you to check in TWO 2-ball bags; that is, of course, one 4 ball separeted roller. If you're just travelling for bowling purposes, you not likely to be in one place for more than a week; so a carry-on for your clothes is the best thing, a 14" x 17" x 8" wheelie, which has a strap for carrying, when you have both it and 4 ball roller.

FYI I always carry both my drilling specs with me and make sure I take my shoes in my luggage, JUST IN CASE they lose my balls. Balls are MUCH easier to replace than shoes.
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