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Author Topic: Integrity of the game.  (Read 1558 times)


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Integrity of the game.
« on: March 25, 2005, 11:47:48 AM »
How many of you feel that the integrity of the game has been and is currently being destroyed by the ridiculously easy wall/tunnel house shots that are being set up in most houses now????

I personally feel that the game has been hurt tremendously!!!
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Re: Integrity of the game.
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2005, 07:53:37 PM »
The only thing in my opinion that the wall has created was a higher average for a weaker bowler, and better bowlers no longer need to practice.  I do not care for it because I hate being in a carry contest with someone that could not hit the pocket ever shot and yet they are going strike for strike with  me.  And I will say that yes I may not like or care for it but it how the game is and I will not b*t#h about it.  I am more interested in when they are going to slow bowling companies down with what they can and cannot make a ball do.
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Re: Integrity of the game.
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2005, 07:57:16 PM »
The easy shot has made the whole game a carry contest. If you can't get the ball to the pocket consistently with this easy shot, you should take up bingo!
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Re: Integrity of the game.
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2005, 09:48:54 AM »
Generalized statement that does not apply to all houses.  There are more  difficult house shots out there; if you want them, go find them.

I apologize in advance to those who have only one house within 50 miles.  I live in a city and shoot three different houses, two of which generally deliver a shot outside my comfort zone.  

Well, there's always the story of the Paladin on his wedding night....
Sayeth his demure young bride, "I offer you my honor."
"I honor your offer," quoth he.
So the motto would be, "Honor, Offer, Honor, Offer," all night long.


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Re: Integrity of the game.
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2005, 11:31:23 AM »
Another one of these "ridiculously easy wall/tunnel house shot" posts....

If was so easy, anyone who could fling the ball with something on it would be averaging 235-240. That's clearly not the case, even in the houses with ultimate 'cake' reputations.

The bottom line is that the better 'real' bowlers are still on the top of the pyramid, and the 10-20 pins that 'run of the mill' league bowlers have padded their averages with is meaningless in the overall scheme of things.

I've been bowling on and off for over 40 years, and during that time it's always been relatively easy to get the pocket -- the hard part has been carry. We have the same problem today, but with a different mix of challenges.

Personally, until I can find a way to get more consistent carry and get my average up another 10-15 pins, I'll never use the phrase 'easy wall/tunnel house shots' as part of my bowling vocabulary; to do so would be making excuses and rationalizations for my lack of execution.
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Re: Integrity of the game.
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2005, 11:59:45 AM »
Sawbones: Yes, I remember that thread. There were a lot of interesting perspectives.

Sorry if I came across as gruff, but this theme is wrong and it just won't go away. It brings back thoughts of my opponent in our match point scratch league the other night. He's the highest average in the league at 240, and he whips the pins around like they're plastic toys. He has a ton of revs, but he's accurate and versatile. I'm not even going to complain that he's a lefty.

Until I can find a way to get close to his level, I have no right to complain about anything being 'easy'. As good as this guy legitimately is, he always belives there is more to squeeze out, and he's right because there always is. That's the attitude that bowlers who want to get better should take. Unfortunately, too many make excuses for their lack of continuous improvement.
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Re: Integrity of the game.
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2005, 03:14:17 PM »
Here we are again with the great debate on the "easy house shot". I don't know where most of you are bowling but if you don't like the typical house shot then go somewhere that is harder for you. If it is a matter of carry then you still need to learn what to do. Yes you may hit the pocket every time but if you don't strike then you still have the spare to contend with. I've seen many bowlers who throw a great strike ball but when it comes to spares then it's a whole new ball game.
Now how about this new equipment that is getting avg's higher. Maybe this person gets high scores but for the most part by the end of the season his avg is not much higher than before. I have many friends who have had the same avg (give or take 5 pins) forever. Now on the other hand I have seen others who have increased their avg 10-20 pins. Is this because of the equipment? Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. I have a friend who I work with who has six balls. His current avg= 160.
Some of us who have increased their avg have put in allot of work to make themselves better. One friend of mine has increased his avg 30 pins. He bowls aprox 40-50 games per week. For him it is a case of working hard to make himself a better bowler.
This integrity of the game has not changed much. Yes maybe we feel that certain bowlers should not be getting the high scores. For the most part the majority of the bowlers are still averaging what they did 10-20 years ago.
The houses I bowl at change their shot every week. If the house you bowl at does not do this then maybe you need to ask management to do so. Either that or find a place that does.


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Re: Integrity of the game.
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2005, 03:55:57 PM »
Integrity.  What is integrity really?

  Bones says that it is an "adherence to a set of rules".  My dad told me that integrity was doing the right thing, even when no one else is watching.

  Can you really take integrity from an inanimate object like the sport/game/recreation of bowling? Here is what I think, even if it is impracticle.

1. I think that once or twice a week league bowlers SHOULD have a pretty easy shot. We all have jobs we work at, and for these people, bowling is supposed to be an enjoyable escape. If it is hard, it probably isn't any fun for a beginner. This level of bowling should be classified as a GAME and should be played as such with easy conditions and rules.

2. I think that higher average bowlers who crave a tougher shot and tougher competition SHOULD be able to find that. I think there should be leagues and tournaments designed for just that reason. If it is a bit harder, most of these people would look at it as a challenge to their talents and work to reach their goals on the tougher conditions.

3. I don't think open bowlers know the difference, nor do they care.  They just want to relax, have a drink or two, fellowship with their friends that came with them, and have a laugh or two at the expense of their friends and get laughed at. The game itself matters not to these people, they could have just as easily went to the putt-putt course instead.

 I used to complain abouteasy conditions too, until I realized that they weren't so easy for everybody, just those that took the time and effort to learn the game. Those who don't got just as left behind as ever.

 Bowling has to be broken down into several categories, but we as bowlers also need to understand that at times those categories must necessarily overlap, and league bowling is where it happens the most often. If you want harder league conditions, use a urethane or a plastic(polyester) ball. You will lose for a while until your average comes back into focus, but I guarantee it will make you a better bowler overall.
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Edited on 3/26/2005 4:53 PM
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